Advice please

Hi folks,
I'm looking for a bit of advice, is it better to do a workout concentrating on a group of muscles, ie arms, legs back, chest each day, or to mix the muscle groups? Back and chest, etc?


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    If you're new to lifting, a full body program such as Stronglifts is more ideal. If you're experienced, then it's up to you.
  • eugenia94102
    eugenia94102 Posts: 126 Member
    I think that depends on how often you work out. If you do it every day you should concentrate on different muscle groups alternating them, so when you work out one you rest the other. If you give yourself rest days between work out days you might be better off with a full body program. I also think you should think of this as upper body/lower body because - to stick with the example you gave - most exercises for you back will involve your chest (and your arms) as secondary muscles in the movement.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    If you are new to lifting, a full body work-out would probably be better for you :]

    I have been lifting for around 5 months and have only recently started concentrating on a certain muscle group per day. I started off with full body work-out's to build my strength and it worked well for me.
  • KrisiAnnH
    KrisiAnnH Posts: 352 Member
    It depends on what sort of 'workout' you're doing, and it's also down to personal preference. I don't lift, but I do do a lot of cardio, so I like mixing things up and working on a range of muscles, rather than specific groups :) If you enjoy working on a specific area or prefer a specific exercise which just so happens to work on a particular muscle group, then there's no harm in doing those. If you're exercising for weight loss then any exercise will burn calories, it's not dependent on what you're exercising, just the intensity :)

    As for lifting- the posters above are definitely more qualified to talk about that than I am so I'd definitely take their advice haha.
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    I agree with the advice to pick an full-body program designed by experienced lifters. SL 5x5, All Pro are 2 examples of solid beginner's programs. I like All Pro, it's a 3x per week full body routine.
  • starwhisperer6
    starwhisperer6 Posts: 402 Member
    I just started strong curves, it is full body and the first weeks are bodyweight only and while the moves seem easy enough I woke up this morning feeling like I did 2 hours with the free weights.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Try looking into a progressive lifting program, such as strong lifts 5x5.
  • AfreezeAdventure
    AfreezeAdventure Posts: 23 Member
    Full body HIIT (think super set with up to 1 min between) workouts are best for burning calories. But if that option isn't really available to you. Go with Muscle groups.
    My work out plan currently is
    Legs/ Shoulders
    Back/ Bi's