Small NSV but great feeling

I posted a long forum last week about my results of P90x (or the lack thereof). I got some great feedback but was still discouraged because I had tried so hard and actually stuck with the 90 day workout plan and ate healthy albeit maybe to much healthy food. I did not pay as much attention to the number on the scale as I did on my measurements because as we all know muscle weighs more than fat, but it was still frustrating losing only 4% body fat. That changed this morning when I put on my favorite dress. My belly pouch does not stick out past my boobs! I know the ladies will understand that feeling of looking down and seeing your belly bulge past your chest. For me, this has been a source of revulsion within myself. As of this morning, I noticed that this no longer is happening. My belly is not gone completely but it is smaller that it used to be and that is a great NSV.


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