New, desperate, please support me

my story is long and it's late and I'm tired. Perhaps I'll do a proper introduction tomorrow. But for now I'll say, I'm very overweight and it's just not working for me anymore. Symptoms of my obesity are getting worse and it's time to make changes.

I'm not sure how to start, but I'm here to figure it out.

I'm begging for friends, who will start as strangers. For guidance and support. Friends who don't know me, who are unbiased, and with whom I can speak with openly without fear of embarrassment.

Add me?


  • Hi. :)
  • Hello. I'm here and willing to buddy. I need someone who'll be non judgemental at my side too
  • Steve4239
    Steve4239 Posts: 62 Member
    i can assure you this does work! log accurately and weigh your food. be patient. best of luck with your new lifestyle choice
  • determined2bfit13
    determined2bfit13 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi I'm here and willing to help!! good luck :)
  • Kennesaw24
    Kennesaw24 Posts: 50 Member
    You can add me. I haven't participated in the community aspect but I'd love to lend my support and cheer you on. As someone said before, this really works. It's amazing if you're willing to be honest with yourself and consistent. And if you're willing to ask for help, which obviously, you are, so you can be successful!