Setbacks during your Fitness Journey

I have had many setbacks since 2009, sometimes my comeback game is strong and sometimes it is weak. I always have to dig deep inside myself and say ok this happened and that happened now what are you going to do about it...mope, cry, be mad or make you happen. It's a constant battle between my head and my body sometimes but my mind is stronger and through the years I've learned how strong it really is. Empowering myself through fitness and using my setbacks as motivation for my comebacks. It's a struggle but it's taught me so much and now that I am recovering from bronchitis making my way back to the gym seems a little more difficult this time but it won't stop me. I just have to stay determined and focused, I will get there again. Champs are those who get back up every time they fall or get knocked down. Time to get back up, let's go!


  • morganandersonr
    morganandersonr Posts: 8 Member
    Stay positive! No one is perfect, and the true measure of a person is how they pick themselves up after they are knocked down. Good for you getting back into the gym! One way I find is helpful to keep my motivation is to put reminders everywhere of the inspiration behind my fitness journey. Training for a race? Getting fit for a wedding? Put reminders of these on the bathroom mirror, the fridge, your desk at work.... it really helps to stay in the right mindset and keep your goals in mind when making decisions that could derail you.

    Good luck in your fitness journey!