Any Zumba instructors here?

Hi everyone,

I've been obsessed with Zumba for two years now and I want to become an instructor. I've looked into it and got really excited and was considering doing the course in the new year.

BUT I've just looked on the Zumba website at classes in my area (Bristol, UK), and there are 100 classes in my area already! This has put me on a downer. How can I make my class a success with so much competition? Bristol isn't that big and there seems to be classes everywhere!

Any advice or pearls of wisdom would be appreciated!



  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I'm not an instructor but I understand it's a one day course to be certified to be an instructor.

    As far as developing a niche, what about African zumba, aqua zumba, or other styles. Chair zumba. Think!
  • Riotpaula
    Riotpaula Posts: 7 Member
    I like the idea of Zumba step as I love step aerobics and I'm hoping to also get my exercise to music qualification next year so I'm qualified to teach aerobics as well. The trouble is I would probably need to pay a fortune for the steps unless I got a slot in a gym that already has them. I can't swim so Aqua Zumba is out haha. Yeah I just need to think of something unique. I won't be doing it for a few months anyway so who knows what things will be like by the time I'm ready. I've heard the best way to start once you're qualified is subbing for other teachers if they can't make their class so I'll probably start with that.
  • Riotpaula
    Riotpaula Posts: 7 Member
    You can also do Zumba toning with weights. I don't know anything about that one but I don't think anywhere in Bristol offers that!