Forgiving Yourself

aggrandize2212 Posts: 13 Member
edited October 2015 in Motivation and Support
Forgive Yourself

"If you make an unhealthy diet choice, admit that you're fallible, but don't drown in a sea of judgmental thoughts."

Berating yourself won't foster the courage you need to dust off those cookie crumbs and move on. A momentary slip won't register on the scale. An egregious misstep, like a no-holds-barred vacation binge, may delay your weight loss slightly, but it isn't likely to undo every bit of progress you've made. Think about what else you did on vacation, then focus on the positive. Turning negative thoughts into encouraging ones will propel you to keep at it until you finally reach your goal weight.

Forgiveness is a tool with which we face what we've done in the past, acknowledge our mistakes, and move on..slowly. It does not mean that you condone or excuse what happened. It does not mean that you forget.

Remember the saying, "For everything there is a season?" Well, there's a season for our suffering and regret. We have to have that. But the season ends; the world moves on. And we need to move on with it.

..Get back on track and reach that goal B)


  • aggrandize2212
    aggrandize2212 Posts: 13 Member
    edited October 2015
    Every day I will add either an affirmation or a motivational saying, pertaining to health and/or weight-loss. This is one of my favourites. Please feel free to add one of yours. .

    "Nothing tastes as good as slim feels!"
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    Positive thoughts are always welcome here, however, you may get a better response if you see if this thread can be moved to the "Motivation and Support" board. Just a thought since you plan on adding to it every day.
  • aggrandize2212
    aggrandize2212 Posts: 13 Member
    Do you know how it can be done?
  • aggrandize2212
    aggrandize2212 Posts: 13 Member
    edited October 2015
    I'm new to this community..I think it's stuck here.
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Copy and past the entire thing under motivation and support BOOM!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Every day I will add either an affirmation or a motivational saying, pertaining to health and/or weight-loss. This is one of my favourites. Please feel free to add one of yours. .

    "Nothing tastes as good as slim feels!"

    You haven't had a donut Im assuming ;) total joke!
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,246 MFP Moderator
    Do you know how it can be done?
    I'm new to this community..I think it's stuck here.

    It's not stuck. :) If you hit the 'flag' button underneath a post of yours and 'report' it, select 'other' and leave a comment letting the moderation team know what you'd like done with your post we'll take care of it. In this case, one of our fellow members alerted us to the fact that you'd like it moved, so we moved it for you.
    Copy and past the entire thing under motivation and support BOOM!

    We try to discourage doing this, since we may confuse it with spamming. ;)
  • aggrandize2212
    aggrandize2212 Posts: 13 Member
    edited October 2015
    Thanks..I'll do it tomorrow..a lil typsy :p
  • aggrandize2212
    aggrandize2212 Posts: 13 Member
    1. Be Willing to Forgive Yourself

    Self-forgiveness starts with a willingness to release guilt, shame and self-hatred. Open the space for this healing energy to enter your mind and body by setting the intention to do so.

    Simply say to yourself right now: “I want to forgive myself.”

    Additionally, write these words down on paper several times:

    “I want to forgive myself. I want to love myself fully and treat myself with loving kindness.”

    This may seem like a very simple process. It is. Don’t equate simple with ineffective. A sincere and deliberate intention to stop berating yourself, and to forgive yourself when you do, helps you take charge of your life, feel less like a victim, and stop the cycle of emotional eating.

    2. Wrap Negative Thoughts in Love

    We all fall into old patterns. So the next time you slip back into less than healthy eating or exercise habits and berate yourself with unkind words, turn to your heart for comfort.

    For example, instead of dwelling on those negative thoughts and feelings, remind yourself you can stop. Take a deep breath. Then, focus your attention on your heart and at the same time think of a beautiful memory or someone you love. I learned this exercise from the Institute of HeartMath and it helps you feel calm very quickly. Then, say this affirmation to yourself or out loud while keeping your attention on your heart:

    “I release these thoughts and feelings (or shame and guilt, etc.) into the arms of Love and I open to loving and forgiving myself.”

    Directing your attention to your heart infuses your words with calming, heart-based energy. It is as if you are wrapping your self-contempt in a blanket of love.

    3. Connect to Your Heart, Literally

    Become quiet. Place your hand on your heart. Feel your heart beat. Now, while keeping your hand on your heart, say to yourself:

    “I totally and completely love and accept myself with all my problems and all my limitations.”

    Feel into this process. Repeat several times daily.

    This exercise helps you connect with the loving energy of your heart. Your heart doesn’t judge you for overeating or for talking harshly to yourself. It simply keeps beating on. Feel that beautiful, consistent heartbeat and know that you are loved by the pure energy within it.

    Practice the above steps faithfully and you’ll begin to create a lightness of spirit within you.

    Be patient and have faith. Over time you’ll notice that the love you give to yourself on the inside will be reflected in the ways you care for yourself and look and feel on the outside.

    Will you practice self-forgiveness?