Could use motivation & support...

I'm not doing bad. But I'm beginning to become obsessive. What has worked is slow and steady changes and building up in exercise. However, lately I've become more envious and desiring to look better than so and so, and as good as so and so... rather than just focused on health. It's making me paranoid if I take 1-2 rest days, and impatient with my body transformation. I already am good with my calorie intake and I spend plenty of time at the gym. What should I be doing to lose another 5-10lbs of fat/tone it up? Gym time includes a series of weight lifting for back, bi, chest, tri, and legs (spread out on different days), and I do about 15 min. of cardio before and after (stair master and treadmill). I don't know what else to do! >:( I just wanna get there already. my main problem areas are my lack of abs, saddle bags, and inner thighs.