I hate salad!!

I wish I was one of those people who loved salads.....but I just don't :( . Sometimes I think it would be easier....this whole life style change if I liked veggies more. Anyone else like me on the hating most veggies and salad?? What are your favorite healthy foods to eat if so? I think I might need some ideas on other snacks and lunches :p


  • cdudley628
    cdudley628 Posts: 547 Member
    I used to really hate most vegetables and wouldn't eat salad. I do like salad now and enjoy trying new vegetables. Most of the vegetables I get are leafy greens, peppers, and onions. I wouldn't have eaten any of these a few years ago. When I was in high school, my vegetables were mostly peas and corn. I am still quite a picky eater and won't eat certain vegetables, but it was good for me to try to branch out.
  • Jesslynn3282
    Jesslynn3282 Posts: 53 Member
    If I eat a salad it has to be iceburg lettuce... any of the weird lettuce just is blah and I can't get the picture of eating leaves out of my head which is strange I know lol If I eat salads with iceburg lettuce in it I can't do it every day....it's got to be a once in awhile type of thing for sure. Don't get my wrong , I do like some veggies...maybe it's just a texture thing for me lol Maybe if I tell myself I have to eat it eventually I'll get use to it :-)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    If I eat a salad it has to be iceburg lettuce... any of the weird lettuce just is blah and I can't get the picture of eating leaves out of my head which is strange I know lol If I eat salads with iceburg lettuce in it I can't do it every day....it's got to be a once in awhile type of thing for sure. Don't get my wrong , I do like some veggies...maybe it's just a texture thing for me lol Maybe if I tell myself I have to eat it eventually I'll get use to it :-)

    If it's a texture thing - try different veggies raw & cooked different ways. This will change textures. Steam, grill, stir fry, roast.

    Add different seasonings. Puree them and add them to sauces.

    Keep trying them again and again. Tastes change.

    Veggies are high volume (low calorie) - I can increase serving sizes of various recipes by adding veggies. Liking veggies is going to help you during maintenance if you let it. But, you can just eat small portions of high calorie food during maintenance too.
  • Gigi696
    Gigi696 Posts: 1 Member
    Iceberg lettuce has zero nutritional value. Hearts of romaine is what I like with red bell peppers, feta cheese, cucumber, mushrooms and artichoke hearts with Newmans Own lite basalmic and don't forget your grilled chicken or tuna on top
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    edited October 2015
    I prefer raw spinach instead of iceberg lettuce or romaine. But if all you can eat is iceberg, nothing is wrong with it - better than nothing, especially since it's a low calorie way to fill you! Usually traditional salads do nothing special for me, so I skip the dressing and instead opt for really delicious and higher fat alternate toppings (the fat allows your body to absorb some of the vitamins from the vegetables).
    I know I'm suggesting fast food here, but I would recommend trying McDonald's Grilled Southwest Chicken Salad. It has a ton of really good toppings (cheese, tortilla strips, black beans, etc) and the cilantro lime glaze makes it not even need the dressing! Whenever I eat out I always look for salads just as exciting as this one, it truly makes salads worth eating! For 330 calories, it has 33g of protein, 180% vitamin A, 40% vitamin C, and 25% calcium, just to throw out a few numbers. I understand that's more calories than a simple hamburger, but a simple hamburger won't fill you and provide you with all those benefits. Seriously, check it out! ;)
  • ariana_eatsandlifts
    ariana_eatsandlifts Posts: 197 Member
    So don't eat salads then. You don't have to be miserable to lose weight. Eat the foods you like in moderation to fit your daily calorie goal.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    When I got sick of salads I embarked on a week long vegetable adventure, trying a new veggie every day I had never tried before. Memorable that week were Okra (not so keen on the veggie but I loved the dip) and fennel (tastes of licorice).

    There's lots more than salads out there.
  • G33K_G1RL
    G33K_G1RL Posts: 283 Member
    My "salads" never have leaves in them. I cut up my favorite veggies and throw them in a bowl with a bit of dressing, sometimes with chicken or tuna, and that is my "salad". Leaves annoy me most of the time. Except for basil and mint leaves, they are awesome.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    Gigi696 wrote: »
    Iceberg lettuce has zero nutritional value. Hearts of romaine is what I like with red bell peppers, feta cheese, cucumber, mushrooms and artichoke hearts with Newmans Own lite basalmic and don't forget your grilled chicken or tuna on top

    iceberg lettuce has nutritional value. its a good source of vitamin k.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I thought of something else overnight. Vegetable soup. Warm, light, and filling.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    edited October 2015
    If you hate it, then don't eat it. I eat maybe one salad a week. I won't touch kale as the stuff is disgusting. I'm also down 30lb, and I don't attribute any of that to vegetables.
    Gigi696 wrote: »
    Iceberg lettuce has zero nutritional value. Hearts of romaine is what I like with red bell peppers, feta cheese, cucumber, mushrooms and artichoke hearts with Newmans Own lite basalmic and don't forget your grilled chicken or tuna on top

    iceberg lettuce has nutritional value. its a good source of vitamin k.

    It also has Fiber, Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium and Iron.

    It may have less of them than romaine lettuce (and less calories), but it isn't completely devoid of nutritional value.
  • saladcrunchy
    saladcrunchy Posts: 899 Member
    I'm a salad convert - used to hate it until shredding it fine into a bowl with other leaves, herbs, a good dressing and lots of crunch variety; bacon bits, croutons, prawns, or whatever. Now I can't get enough of it but it was trial and error to get the right mix: Romaine lettuce has highest omega 3 content.
  • piperdown44
    piperdown44 Posts: 958 Member
    Salad/veggie haters unite!
    Can't stand them but I choke some down because I do need a few in my diet.
    I eat them first so I can savor the main part....meat!
  • Jesslynn3282
    Jesslynn3282 Posts: 53 Member
    thanks everyone! :)
  • DataSeven
    DataSeven Posts: 245 Member
    I don't -hate- salad, but I do have to fill it full of unhealthy things to make it palatable. Like... the salad that's good for you, I don't like. But the unhealthy fast food salad that's worse than a big mac, I love.
  • MrsPiscez
    MrsPiscez Posts: 25 Member
    Try to incorporate them into the things you do like.
    Let's say you like scrambled eggs. Try sauteing some peppers and onions & adding them to your scramble. Or add some veggies to your favorite sanwich. Try to sneak them into your favorite meals so your not tasting it (as much). You can also try to jazz up your salad by adding things like chicken, bacon, eggs, cheese, ham, turkey or croutons. Also try out different dressing flavors to give it a kick.
  • Jesslynn3282
    Jesslynn3282 Posts: 53 Member
    that clip reminds me of how I feel when I eat salads
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Echoing the others. You don't ever have to eat a salad if you don't want.

    There's this persistent - well I don't want to call it a myth - mindset that you have to be miserable to lose weight. You have to wear a sweaty tracksuit, eat nothing but salads and baked chicken breast and broccoli, never have anything sweet or tasty, and be hungry all the time.

    None of that is true. There are elements of truth: exercise is good, salads are good, chicken breast is good, cutting back on sweets can be good if you eat too many of them. But that penitential mindset - you have to suffer to lose weight - is pernicious.
  • saladcrunchy
    saladcrunchy Posts: 899 Member
    Jruzer wrote: »
    Echoing the others. You don't ever have to eat a salad if you don't want.

    But that penitential mindset - you have to suffer to lose weight - is pernicious.

    Wot he said
