Losing weight together

I'm still losing my baby belly, even though my youngest is almost 15 years old!!! About 6 months ago I started weighing in with my works mates once a week and so far I've lost 6.8kg. For me that's fantastic especially as I don't feel I've really given anything up. All I have done is cut down on the cakes and watched my portion sizes. Long may it last. However I believe the biggest contributing factor is the support from my colleagues, so I would like to extend that support. Look forward to new friends


  • TechAaronLoyd
    TechAaronLoyd Posts: 339 Member
    Hey welcome to MFP feel free to friend me I am 75+ days strong. I am 37 pounds down and 52 to go. I wish you the best of luck my fellow MFPals!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Great progress! Keep it up :)