What are your unhealthy food loves?



  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member
    High carbs or high sugar and I am in trouble. Biscuits and gravy, Chips and Salsa, pasta (of any kind), cake, ice cream, pie, mashed potatoes and Coke (ohhhh how I love coke!).

    I am finding ways to still include these things, but I have cut down a lot. I have also completely stopped drinking coke and stopped making mashed potatoes, they were just too hard to control when available. For me, a life without a sweet treat to end the day is just not a life I could live. But now, instead of a pint of Ben & Jerry's it is about 75-100 grams of Edy's 1/2 the fat ice cream. I still eat my pasta, potatoes and bread. I just don't eat them at every meal and I have become a strict weigher of the foods that I am tempted with.