Building lean muscle for a female

Well overall I've had great success and almost at my goal size but am still a bit "flabby" and would am trying to get abs and tone my thighs and bottom any exercise programmes people would lie to recommend,I use weight machines recommended by a PT also what protein shakes and supplements are good?


  • scarletvikarby
    scarletvikarby Posts: 6 Member
    I prefer free weights for my strength training. I have done several at home programs (currently doing Body Beast). I think it's great and like most programs works if followed. I've seen increased strength and tone in a relatively short period of time.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    You mean build muscle? You'll do that in a calorie surplus, but if you're still in a deficit it's good to add strength training to help preserve LBM (as we lose some in a deficit and saving as much as you can will help give you that "toned" look when you get to goal).

    The best thing is free weight barbell training. A program with a progressive overload. Do you have any interest in this? You have a PT so perhaps you guys can move to free weights? If not, body weight training, and yes-some machine work can help as long as you have that progressive overload. Machines are not ideal though.