Emotional eaters



  • ilovefitness36
    I used to be a horrible emotional eater which made me gain 12lbs on my 5'2" tiny frame which makes me look like I've gained 50!!
    However, I've been able to somewhat improve my eating habits, and whenever I am bored, or feel like I have to snack or have an extra meal, I try to make sure its a HEALTHY but TASTY meal. Sometimes healthy food can be boring. I'll admit it. I indulge occasionally, and I don't bother counting calories when I indulge on my cheat day, but during the week when I'm more strict with my diet, if I really have the urge to binge, or EAT, I try to make it a TASTY savory, meal, that's healthy and somewhat guilt free.

    I ALWAYS feel guilty after eating junk. ALWAYS. But I've improved.

    But during my menstrual cycle?? I will eat poorly all week. But maybe one poor meal a day. But I'm ok with that. Because after 3-4 days I'm back to eating healthy again.
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    I'm an emotional eater and diagnosed binge eater. Good stuff huh? It's pretty bad. One time I had a terrible day at work and I ate an entire deli chicken with a bottle of diet coke and a can of Pringles., Taco Bell is where I go when I am particularly self loathing.

    What I find helpful is to log emotions when I eat. And eventually I learned to ask myself if I really want to eat what or how much or if I need to find something else to do.
  • cathymarie75
    cathymarie75 Posts: 222 Member
    I eat when I am emotional or bored...so I have to force myself to find something to do or come on here and use the boards or my friends to get it to pass....or do a quick workout always helps get out the feelings and the boredom
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    I wouldn't say I am an emotional eater, but sometimes when I have a hard day I am just like "Fack it, I'll have some ice cream...and pizza..and doritos.." lol
  • dmarien
    dmarien Posts: 58
    Thanks all for the support. I have good day and bad yesterday was very bad. But i am glad for it, this journey to eat right and do better is making me see where I need to improve and make changes beyond just counting my calories.
  • yumbinkbugonrox
    yumbinkbugonrox Posts: 61 Member
    I am an emotional eater too. But for me it's mostly when I'm stressed or upset about something. And worse yet, I eat when I'm alone where no one can see me eat.

    For example, last week I went to Wal-Mart to get groceries and spent way more than I anticipated. I was stressed about $$, by myself and a 25 minute drive home. So what do I do...??? Hit the drive through of Little Ceasers and get an order of Crazy Bread with Garlic Butter and then Taco Bell for a Cookie Sandwich and eat the entire thing before I get home. Plus I had to "destroy the evidence" when I got home so no one would know I did that. I know if I would have had my family with me I never would have done that.

    I'm really good 95% of the time. But if I'm by myself, watch out.

    That made me so sad to read, the hiding and the shame. Been there, for me it felt so terrible. I also remember that I would lie to my family/friends about what I was eating. I guess I just didn't want to hear their negative comments about my food lifestyle. Especially from my mom. Love her so much, but man, she can be so critical.