essential fat for women



  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    The Dexa scan thing i presume is like the bod-pod where you climb ito it. The devise you are describing is bio-restistance. I have a home bio-resistance devise (Tanita inner scan). They are notoriously poor for givinbg accurate results especially for women - BUT are useful for tracking a downwards body fat trend. I liek mine- but don't take the figure as accurate.
  • latteking
    latteking Posts: 27 Member
    Oh also for my first reading the trainer made an error of not changing the default setting to female hence I was measured as a male, dunno if this accounts for such disparity though..
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    latteking wrote: »
    I'm still going to get the blood test done though. And get body fat measured again Before workout tomorrow and After my HIIT as well to compare the result.

    Hang on

    I assumed you had a dexa scan

    What kind of Mickey Mouse ridiculous test are you having?

    - if you are stepping on a scale's rubbish, even if you're holding something
    - If you're having calipers tests I would imagine your trainer is wrong
    Go for a dexa scan

    /runs rabbit's post through the diplomatic filter/

    The test done by your trainer is likely no where nearly as professional as you think it is. Go for a dexa scan.


    Thanks @kshama2001

    That was my diplomatic answer :bigsmile:
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    latteking wrote: »
    I'll find out the name for the machine tomorrow. It was a standing one like a scale with long sticks attached and I had to hold them sticks while my bmi etc were being measured.

    I weigh about 1.5 kg less than my profile pictures now. I am 22.8 inch around the waist and I was about 23.2 inch when the photos were taken.

    Stand on machine take reading

    Go drink a pint of water, stand on machine again

    Rub your feet on some dirt, stand on it again

    Bio-Impedence scales <runs through diplomatic filter> are a pile of guano
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    latteking wrote: »
    Oh also for my first reading the trainer made an error of not changing the default setting to female hence I was measured as a male, dunno if this accounts for such disparity though..

    Yes. That would definitely make a difference.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    latteking wrote: »
    I'll find out the name for the machine tomorrow. It was a standing one like a scale with long sticks attached and I had to hold them sticks while my bmi etc were being measured.

    I weigh about 1.5 kg less than my profile pictures now. I am 22.8 inch around the waist and I was about 23.2 inch when the photos were taken.

    That isn't having your bf% professionally measured. Those scales are crap, you'd be better off with calipers if you can't do a dexa scan.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    It's good that you are concerned. My (new) doctor checked me out physically, wearing hardly anything, which was unusual. He stared at something about my back for a long time, etc, and felt a few muscles. When you go to get bloodwork, make sure to have the doctor take a close look, if that makes sense.

    You look lovely! But I didn't photograph as way too thin most of the time, and some of my photos looked downright model-ish and nice. Unfortunately or fortunately, that's just not my body type, though, and I had lost way too much fat and muscle both, to the point where it was definitely affecting my health.

    I knew I had an undiagnosed illness, though, so I was having symptoms galore anyway. If you were dangerously thin, you'd probably have hair thinning at least, I'd think. But just get a doctor's thoughtful opinion after he sees you closely.

    Some people can run underweight and be fine because it's their body type, so you could be great as you are!
  • latteking
    latteking Posts: 27 Member
    Thank u all. I'm going to the gym soon to run a few tests and compare results .

    I naturally have a very small frame so I personally don't like it if I go over 47kg (im 160cm tall) from which point i start dieting but going below 45kg (44.2kg without clothes on) and having that scary & stupid first reading of body fat scared me a lot. And trust me I eat healthy, yummy , clean meals throughout the day and make sure I eat one or two servings of Very Naughty desert Everyday (e.g. a donut from Dunkin Donut with a homemade latte with stevia AND a scoop of beskin robbinson in a cone for yesterday )
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    latteking wrote: »
    I'll find out the name for the machine tomorrow. It was a standing one like a scale with long sticks attached and I had to hold them sticks while my bmi etc were being measured.

    I weigh about 1.5 kg less than my profile pictures now. I am 22.8 inch around the waist and I was about 23.2 inch when the photos were taken.

    That isn't having your bf% professionally measured. Those scales are crap, you'd be better off with calipers if you can't do a dexa scan.

    Yeah, I find it kind of sad that someone could charge for the equivalent of using my bathroom scale.