Hello ... need some support

Just saying hello.. Im 27. Live in New Zealand. Married for almost seven years and have two beautiful little girls who are almost 4 and almost 2. I have always had a weight problem ever since I was a child. I have tried everything including lapband sugery which cost my mum $20,000 when I was in my early twenties. Unfortunately it didn't help much at all. At my highest weight I weighed in at 162.5 kilos. After I had my last child I weighed in at 150kgs. Since then I have slowly made changes to my eating and started exercising. When I started I could only walk for about 10mins and I was exhausted. I joined the gym three months ago and have been pushing myself and loving it. I have one personal training session a week and do 4-5 other sessions on my own a week. I did a fitness test a few weeks ago and realized I can run... woohoo I am now running for 5mins at a time. I now weigh in at 116 kilos. I still have a looong way to go but now feel like it is achievable. One thing I have learnt along my way is you need support and the more support the better. So please add me as your friend so we can support each other along the way.