Anybody here into backpacking??

I sort of fell off the myfitnesspal train for a few months because my focus shifted to a backpacking trip (my first ever) Before I left for the trip I was at 167, and over the 28 days and 300 miles I got down to 156 while eating everything in sight. I loved backpacking! I know its not for everyone (and actually I need to be careful because my knees are really unhappy with me) but I feel so much stronger and in shape. I'm within 10 pounds of my "goal" weight now, but I definitely have to refocus myself on controlling my diet and calories because while on the trail I was burning so much I could eat whatever I wanted.

I just wanted to sing the praises of backpacking. I was so happy to see there was a large online community focused towards female backpackers and so I especially encourage ladies to look into it.