in advance.. or after the event?

revnevbwfc Posts: 6 Member
edited October 2015 in Food and Nutrition
If you KNOW that you have a heavier than normal eating fortnight coming up - say you're going on holiday for two weeks (for example) - you're going to enjoy yourself, eat out, have more to drink, ice-cream, etc... you may still be careful - but you KNOW that life isn't worth living unless you can enjoy it while it's there every now and again! so - be realistic - you are going to put a little bit on...

so - do you prepare for that by losing a couple of extra pounds BEFORE you go - in readiness - OR - do you pay for it when you get home?

probably no right answer - just interested in how different people approach this!

(I tend to do the latter! but am wondering if I'd enjoy my holiday binge more if I knew it was already paid for!) ;-)


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    1. Before

    2. During

    3. After

    Before I went on my 3-week holiday during which time I quit logging and just ate what I wanted to eat, I worked hard and reached my first goal. I was actually considering stopping there.

    But during the time I was away, I exercised a whole lot more than I do at home ... because I could! I was cycling and hiking and even tried sea kayaking. I also found myself unable to eat as much as I thought I was going to ... and selecting salads and steamed veggies at restaurants.

    Immediately upon return, I had gained 2 kg so I set my calorie goal slightly below maintenance, and lost it within about 2 weeks. Some of that was probably water weight. Then I dropped my max calories so that I could continue to lose weight.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Depends. Are you losing weight? Are you maintaining?

    If you're losing, you're already at a deficit, hopefully eating a reasonable amount of food to have enough energy and not be too hungry... so I wouldn't recommend eating less. If you're maintaining, but are not too close to being underweight, then yeah, I'd cut 200 calories a day for 2 weeks beforehand if possible (for me not so much, I'm typically too hungry).

    Personally, I've been maintaining for over a year, can't seem to lose more weight but I lose vacation weight easily without changing my diet, so I just lose after. And I try to make good choices during my vacations, only splurging on what I REALLY want (like regional specialties, not things I can have any time) and trying to be as active as possible (which isn't so easy when you have little kids who hate walking).
  • revnevbwfc
    revnevbwfc Posts: 6 Member
    thanks guys... I am just about at maintaining point - having just reached my target weight, but am considering knocking off a further couple of pounds while I am in the habit/zone! (so it wouldn't mean cutting back further than normal - I won't starve!)

    I have often kidded myself that I am more active on holiday... the sad fact is, though, I don't think I am! :-)
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited October 2015
    I've normally just dealt with any gain (approx 3lbs) when I return from my holiday although I have another cruise coming up in just over 3 weeks and this time I thought I'd lose 3lbs before I go so I come home and weigh my goal weight....thats the plan anyway :smile:
    I normally eat what I want although I still watch portion size and make healthier choices during vacation, I also stay very active which helps alot.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @Francl27 I wish I was like you, it took me 8 weeks to lose the 3lbs I gained on holidays (just back at my pre-holiday weight now and just in time to head off on another one!) thats why my tactic this time is to shed a few extra pounds :smile:
    (maintaining 2+ years and I love to eat as many calories as possible :smiley: )
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    I do a bit of 'damage limitation' beforehand (maybe a little more exercise or eating slightly under my maintenance calories for a week or so) and then try to make up for it a little after. Nothing too extreme though. Life (and food) are to be enjoyed, and there's no sense beating yourself up for it or restricting calories too harshly. I try not to stuff my face just for the sake of it either.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    @Francl27 I wish I was like you, it took me 8 weeks to lose the 3lbs I gained on holidays (just back at my pre-holiday weight now and just in time to head off on another one!) thats why my tactic this time is to shed a few extra pounds :smile:
    (maintaining 2+ years and I love to eat as many calories as possible :smiley: )

    Well it took me 2 months to lose 2 pounds so it's not that far off, lol. But as I said, I can't seem to go below 133 pounds anyway, so losing more before just doesn't work for me.

    I wish I was one of the people who gain 4 pounds on vacations and lose it all in 2 weeks though...
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @francl27 I'm the same!! 133 is my lowest but I'm fighting this time to get a bit lower. ..if I can lol
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    @francl27 I'm the same!! 133 is my lowest but I'm fighting this time to get a bit lower. ..if I can lol

    I don't care that much, I'm still 17 pounds under the overweight range... but I guess chasing those last couple pounds helps me stay on track (mostly) and not gaining.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    While I disagree with the premise that it's better to be dead than skip junk food, if I were planning to spend two weeks pigging out, I'd diet hard for two weeks before I went and then keep dieting hard when I got back. That means dropping the calories, exercising more or both.

    I think it's smart to have a plan for it. :)