So I joined the gym. WHAT NEXT???


I'm pretty new to this forum but I have posted a couple of times (success stories). I began my journey in March this year and I have lost 53lbs and I'm currently at 199lbs. My aim is to lose approximately another 12lbs then I'll be happy, although I'm already mega happy with my progress.

This has been due to changing my diet and using MFP. I started using a fitness app called Fitstar about 6 weeks ago which combines cardio and strength training using your bodyweight. It's been great but I feel like I needed to join the gym to reach my goal which has now changed to building strength and having more definition to my body. I'm not looking to be the hulk, far from it actually. I've spent my life being massive (although it was purely fat not muscle) so I don't want to be bulky, I just want to continue to lose the lbs and get definition.
So here I am. I joined the gym today and had my first session but I genuinely don't have a plan for what to do on what days etc so I'm pleading for toys guys to give me advice, tips or even better a workout schedule for my entire body.

Please help a man in need. Thank you


  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    See if they have trainers there who will give you some info on various machines, just so you know how to use them all properly. Then find something that works for you. Not everyone likes the same routine at the gym and a variety of things can be useful.

    Weight training is always awesome, and there's available programs online that are easy to follow for beginners. Starting Strength is a good one, for example.
  • MaryRyll
    MaryRyll Posts: 14 Member
    The above poster had a good point! There are usually people at the gym who can give you a free your and orient you to the machines. How you workout is up to you, and there is TONS on different routines online! I'm a big fan of Pinterest (a website) where people link to their workout blogs and plans. It's a good place to get ideas! I guess whether you combine cardio and muscle groups on the same day or break them up depends on how many days/week you want to be in the gym, etc.

    Sorry, probably not super helpful! I know there are some good lifting programs (strong lifts), but I'm not sure if that is in line with your goals. Anyway, best of luck!
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    If you want to start lifting, these are great beginners programs that tell you what to do, how to do it, how often, how much weight, etc:
    - Stronglifts 5x5
    - Starting strength
    - New rules of lifting (for women)
    - Strong curves
    - ICF 5x5

    As long as you still eating at a defecit, there is zero chance of bulking up from freeweights. (If bulking up was easy, it wouldn't take bodybuilders that much effort.). These programs will help you increase strength and help you get definition.
    Just google them, read what they are about and pick the one that appeals to you most.
  • rosammr
    rosammr Posts: 43 Member
    AsISmile that's great advice thank you. Like everyone said there are people at the gym that would give you advice. However if you can't ask for whatever reason I think the previous post has given you an excellent starting point.
    Personally: weight lifting all the way to get that definition you want, but then I am not into cardio myself. Interval training is great too for general conditioning.
  • wezaddison01
    wezaddison01 Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you everybody for the great advice. I've done a lot of research on the net today and I've found a good program that I can tailor around work and other commitments. Can't wait to get started working towards my new goal. : )
  • fi_b
    fi_b Posts: 121 Member

    I'm pretty new to this forum but I have posted a couple of times (success stories). I began my journey in March this year and I have lost 53lbs and I'm currently at 199lbs. My aim is to lose approximately another 12lbs then I'll be happy, although I'm already mega happy with my progress.

    This has been due to changing my diet and using MFP. I started using a fitness app called Fitstar about 6 weeks ago which combines cardio and strength training using your bodyweight. It's been great but I feel like I needed to join the gym to reach my goal which has now changed to building strength and having more definition to my body. I'm not looking to be the hulk, far from it actually. I've spent my life being massive (although it was purely fat not muscle) so I don't want to be bulky, I just want to continue to lose the lbs and get definition.
    So here I am. I joined the gym today and had my first session but I genuinely don't have a plan for what to do on what days etc so I'm pleading for toys guys to give me advice, tips or even better a workout schedule for my entire body.

    Please help a man in need. Thank you

    A lot of it also has to do with how many days a week you can / want to work out in the gym.

    If you haven't come across this website yet, check it out -

    Please don't be put off by the name, it has so much great information especially on how to perform exercises correctly. And like AsISmile said, you need to put in quite the effort to put muscle mass on so don't worry about hulking out!

    Good luck!
  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    Sounds like you like apps. So there is a Stronglifts 5x5 app. Check it out. It is a great program to start with. Make sure you work on your form for the lifts as well. Also I use Full Fitness app to create a program if you feel as though you want to do that.