how often do you workout?



  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    I workout 6 day a week. In the summer I run and then go to the gym at night. In the winter I do crossfit, yoga, weight lifting...pretty much everything to stay active :) for me it has become a lifestyle and I love how I feel when working out :)
  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    I workout 5-6 days/week, some days are double workouts. My original goal was weight loss but am now okay with my weight. I now focus on fitness goals for general health and to improve my performance. I workout for personal enjoyment and to constantly challenge myself. For example, I want to be strong enough to compete 5 shoulder width pull-ups by the end of this year; currently I can do 2.

    I take Krav Maga 3 days/week, strength train (full body compound lifts currently following a minimalist strength training program) 3 days/week, yoga 1-2 days/week, track sprints 1 day/week, cone/ladder/bosu speed/agility workout 1 day/week.
  • williamwj2014
    williamwj2014 Posts: 750 Member
    Past 2 days have been 2 hour sessions...normally I do an hour but I've been eating a lot lately and it's given me a ton of energy to burn in the's actually nice. Rest days..well, it depends on how my body feels. If I feel like i'm not recovered enough, I'll take a day it depends. Some times it's 6 days, sometimes no rest.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited October 2015
    I only lift weights and at the moment I'm trying to lose so I can start a bulk. Normally I'd lift 4 days per week but I'm no good at staying in a deficit on a 4 day split so I'm running 5x5, 3 days a week, until this nightmare is over. It takes me at least an hour to finish the program now.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I'm training 5-6 days a week, typically 90-120 minutes but some sessions can run to three hours. All powerlifting training.

    My goal is simple - to find my absolute max limits while staying in my weight class.
  • militarygirl92
    militarygirl92 Posts: 18 Member
    I workout seven days a week, at least 30-45 minutes a day.
  • militarygirl92
    militarygirl92 Posts: 18 Member
    But these days I'm up to 60-80 minutes a day every day.
  • Matt71Fleming
    Matt71Fleming Posts: 68 Member
    I walk/run for 5 miles for five days of the week.
    One day a week I walk/run 10 miles.
    Rest on a Sunday usually.
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    I lift 4-5days a week for about an hour, 5mins warm up is cardio. My goal is to gain muscle. Trying to recomp as at good weight but wanted to drop bf but want muscle more.

  • cescadixon18
    cescadixon18 Posts: 3 Member
    I exercise 6 days a week between 1 hour and 2.5 hours, Mondays I run 21k in preparation for a marathon. Tuesday is for arm and back, sometimes with a yoga class after. Wednesday 10k and ab session. Tuesday is my day off. Friday is Leg day. Saturday is 10k & abs, then finally Sunday is an hours cardio circuits.
  • kthompson601
    kthompson601 Posts: 174 Member
    I do an hour Monday through Thursday (plus yoga on Wednesdays); weekends vary. Sometimes I'm out in DC browsing the zoo or museums or sight-seeing. If the weather's crappy or I don't feel like going out, I'll do about 90 minutes Saturday and Sunday (I almost always do yoga on the weekends as well). In the summer I'm almost always in the pool; in the winter it's cardio in the gym.

    It's been a HUGE lifestyle change for me. I used to be so sedentary, because I'm a big reader, and when I first started working out, I lamented the fact that I had less time to read. Now, it's become so routine, if I for some reason don't work out, I feel all wonky and off my groove. You really can form new habits, and stick with them!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I lift 4 days a week. It takes me anywhere from 45 minutes to 75 minutes, depending on the workout. Then I walk 2-3 days a week too. The walks are anywhere from 20-45 minutes and I may or may not do some sprints in the middle of them.
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    6 or 7 days depending on the week.

    Monday: Chest/Tris
    Tuesday: Krav Maga Class
    Wed: Back/Bis and Krav Maga Class
    Thurs: Krav Maga Class
    Fri: Legs/Squats/Deadlifts
    Sat: Krav Maga Class
    Sun: Shoulders

  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    mhaskins08 wrote: »
    I work out a minimum of five times a week. I may have an off week where it's four or a super motivated week where it's 7... But I average 5.

    I wake up at 530 am and do a 30-45 minute workout before I have to get my daughters to school.

    I workout because I actually enjoy it and for maintenance. My ultimate fitness goal is to lose 20 lbs and I've changed my eating to achieve that. The exercise just supports my deficit.

    so this ^ i too get up at 6am, before the kids wake to do a 50 minute body combat class - i do this 4 or 5 times a week.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,715 Member
    Daily. Mix of strength and cardio. Been doing it this way pretty consistently for the last 30 years.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
