how have i gained weight?

Right let me just make this quick and simpel to understand, I'm 18 years old and my calorie maintanence for my activity level is 2400-2500 calories. I've also been told to eat more because I'm 18 and my body is developing still and with hormones and ect I should be eating atleast 3000, but anyway back to the point, last monday I had lost 0.4-5 kilo's about a pound eating 1700-1750 calories, I thought this was a bit to quick to lose weight for me so I bumped my calories up to 1800, when i weighed myself today at the same time as last week I had gained 0.5kg's back? how is this possible, I only increased my calories by 100 and i still was in a deficit... gained a pound? really frustrated about that. what i do think the weight might be from is water because this week i started taking this laxitive stool softener liquid that is supposed to help my constipation and it says that it retains water to soften the stools or something could this be it?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    according to my scale I gained 2lbs last week after being in a deficit all week long enough that at the end of the day when I complete my entry it says I will have lost over 16lbs in 5 weeks if I continue with this trend.

    Still not sure why people depend on the scale to tell them they are doing well.

    Weight fluctuates for a lot of reason's. Try measuring yourself instead or taking pics or something.

    I refuse to let the number on the scale frustrate me.