Calorie Deficit & exercising

Hello everyone, I'm undergoing a cut but I want to do so in the most healthy way possible. I'm currently 154~157 ish and would like to drop to 150~152 ish by novemember. My bf% is right around 7~8% at the moment. My question is how much do I eat back when I workout?

PS I come from a combat sport background so I have undergone some unhealthy ways to cut weight so I really don't know any better. I eat anywhere from 1600-1800 calories but I still stay at the boxing gym for atleast 2 hours a day outside my lifting. I typically burn anywhere from 300~500 calories per session


  • VykkDraygoVPR
    VykkDraygoVPR Posts: 465 Member
    It's trial and error. For me, I have figured out pretty well what I burn on a stationary bike (~10 calories a minute, at a 20-22 mph pace), so I just eat them all, usually.

    I'd input your stats in MFP, and just start out at a .5 pound a week deficit (250 calories a day), and don't eat exercise calories back. If you are losing too fast, start adding more calories back until you hit your desired rate.