I Can't Do It



  • ARC1603
    ARC1603 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm with fiddletime on this. I've lost around 20 lbs since June. Yes the weight loss has been 'slow', but I have not once thought about giving up or quitting in this time because I don't feel deprived or exhausted. I truly believe I can reach my long term goals doing this.

    I eat anything between 1600 and 2000 cals a day, I eat the foods I enjoy and get to eat the same as my family and friends. I am never hungry. If I go over I don't beat myself up about it and just carry on with the next day as normal. I still eat pizza and chocolate every week and it's great. The only exercise I do is walking every day and I clock up around 5-6 miles a day currently.

    I've previously done diets and exercise with the mindset of doing what ever I needed to do to lose the weight as quickly as possible. I just ended up losing and gaining the weight over and over again because I never did anything to teach myself how to maintain the weight. I just got hungry then binged. I got sick of the roller-coaster and wanted off!

    This time around I set out to lose the weight by making habits I could do forever. If I couldn't see myself doing it every day for the rest of my life then I don't do it! I know if I'd gone about this differently I would still be 20lbs heavier and going through the binge/purge cycle again.

    One of my favourite quotes is persistence not perfection.