RANT - I am SOOO mad...



  • sharonsylvester
    sharonsylvester Posts: 52 Member
    Ehhh... I don't know. I agree that seeing all points of view is important but this literally IS kidnapping. Charges could have been filed and the aunt would have been convicted.

    I don't know what kind of person would decide to do such a thing but she seems a bit off to me.

    How could have charges be filed, she did not take the child out of the country, and the mother did give the child over to her to spend the day.
  • skatjon
    skatjon Posts: 29
    WTH!!! First who goes to Florida "for the day"??? and I ask to take children to movies in the same town just to make sure the movie we are going to see is ok with the parents. WOW
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Thank you to everyone that agrees she was wrong.
    Even though she is not blood related to us, she loves him as though he is family, and has been close to him since before he could walk. He has spent a week with her every summer and he'll go 2 or 3 days without checking in. I know he is safe with her, and I usually find out that they went to various beaches or an amusement park, always something big and exciting. With the money she has, you never KNOW what they are going to do.
    But this time she went too far...
    I probably would have said yes. I do trust her with him. My big point is that I should have been ASKED. It's common courtesy. And I'm guessing the couple of people who said that it wasn't a big deal probably don't have kids....

    He had a great time. They actually left Wednesday afternoon and got back Saturday night, now that he is home and I could get the whole story out of him. And it wasn't for Disney or anything, it was all just because a friend of hers had a time share that was available and she jumped on it. So they just hung out at a 4 star resort and went in the pool and stuff.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Ehhh... I don't know. I agree that seeing all points of view is important but this literally IS kidnapping. Charges could have been filed and the aunt would have been convicted.

    I don't know what kind of person would decide to do such a thing but she seems a bit off to me.

    How could have charges be filed, she did not take the child out of the country, and the mother did give the child over to her to spend the day.

    Not a legal expert here but I do believe taking a child over state lines without permission is considered kidnapping.

    Now to those who are asking how you get a child on a plane who is not a blood relative? How do they know the child you are traveling with is not your own child? Children have no ID. I have never had to prove the children with me on a plane are my own. I am the only one who has to produce ID. I do not need their birth certificates...or maybe I do now in the age of post 9-11. I have not flown with the kids in many years.