Hoka Sneakers - Anyone tried? Opinions Please

I just learned about Hoka sneakers. They seem interesting to me, but a little leery to make the rather large investment before hearing anyone's reviews. I have wide feet and need arch support. I have custom orthotics or use "Superfeet" orthotics. Opinions, reviews welcomed. Thanks.


  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    My problem is over-pronation so I only get a shoe that will take care of that. I see that Hoka running shoes are neutral so they'd be no good for me.

    Try this shoe finder.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    As @jgnatca they are only available in a neutral gait.

    I bought my first pair a month ago and have probably put about 90 miles on mine already.

    I was increasing my run distance and consistently doing over 5k each training run and the old pair of trainers I had were giving me repetitive strain pains on the inside of my right knee.

    I went to a running shop and tried on several pairs of Brooks and Asics which all felt good. The chap then got me down a pair of HOKA one one (Clifton 2's). They are extremely light in weight and very cushioned on the heal. I liked them straight away.

    Since running in them I have not had any knee pain. I also have wide feet and I do find that I need to have the laces loose towards the middle of the shoe, but they are very comfortable and I would highly recommend them.

    I think they suit me because I am, as they would say, the heavier runner!

    I also have a friend and she swears by her Brooks glycerine 12's (last years sneakers). I would suggest if you are going to get them, get them from a running store. Preferably one with the treadmill set up and do a couple of minutes on the treadmill in them, just to get an initial reaction.

    Good luck.