Hitting a bit of a brick wall; please help!

Hello everybody, I hope you're all well! I'll try and keep my post as short as possible.

So I'm a 22 year old med student and when the year started I weighed 107.4kg. I recently embarked on my weight loss journey (roundabout May) and at my lowest, which was about last week, I weighed 96.4kg. At the moment I'm 98.4kg and I'm I've been hovering around this weight for almost 2 months now.

I've been overweight my whole life and this year is the first time that I've successfully managed to lose weight. The boost to my confidence and self-esteem has been astounding as I've gone my whole life feeling like I could never do it. People are noticing my newfound confidence, even men are interested in me. It's wonderful to buy clothes that are a size smaller and I generally feel better in life.

My only problem is that I think the positive reinforcement is making me feel like I can slack and I've found sugar and other not so healthy foods creeping back into my diet because I think my body can handle it (which it has for the most part, but I haven't lost weight in a month). This week I've tried to get back into an exercise routine and I just felt so demotivated when I stepped on the scale and saw that my weight isn't coming off as fast as it was in the beginning.

I really want to keep losing weight because it's been so good for me and I even one day want to own a bikini for the first time in my life because I feel like my life is so limited because of my weight. I guess I'm just having a bit of a low and I'm looking for some advice from someone in the same boat as me. Thank you so much for reading my story, hope to hear from you!



  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 494 Member
    Well, for one...pat yourself on the back for reaching out to your community. Two, you've identified some of the reasons why the number on the scale is not moving. Three, you have a goal to attain -- wear a bikini for the first time in your life.

    Keep that goal front and center. When you daydream, what comes to mind...food or that bikini? When you reach for that sugar laden item, are you avoiding thinking about the pounds or are you saying to yourself, I don't care about the calories, I'm gonna eat it anyway. Or do you say to yourself, I deserve this sugar cause I did such and such? So, do you see what all of these things have in common? Your thinking pattern and your emotional self.

    I get where you are...I daily battle it myself. But I remind myself of the disappointment I have experienced in all the walks in my life, and how I felt about it the next day. I remind myself that the disappointment could have been averted had I just dealt with the rejection I felt right then and there -- not being to have that immediate gratification -- of saying no to myself.

    You are bigger than your weaknesses (no pun intended). You are a premed student....you have had to say no to alot of things to get to this point in your life. You have what it takes to say no to the food that will take you off track from your goal.

    Go get a magazine or on the internet and pick out the most amazing bikini you can find, and put a date on the print out. Put it up where you can see it everyday. Meditate on it, imagine yourself in it.

    Now...go kick butt!