
hi im new to this, my name is andrea I'm happily married for 7 years. I was born in Italy and came to the U.S. When I was 11. I have alway been 115-120lb but now I have gain 25lb and it's been a struggle to get back to 120's. I'm 30 and I started taking birth control and that was the cause. I'm really depressed and feel so big. But most of all I don't have the support I need to get back in shape.


  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Welcome Andrea :]
    You'll find plenty of support here.
    Stay strong and remember you're beautiful regardless.
  • fi_b
    fi_b Posts: 121 Member
    Hi Andrea :)
    Please feel free to add me, and as PinkPixiexox said, there is plenty of support to be found on here if you're struggling getting it from family and friends.
    My biggest pieces of advice would be;
    1. Work out exactly why you want to change; health, to be more confident, whatever. Having a really strong motivating reason can help so much, especially when you have a moment of weakness. So take a moment and work out what your reason is :)
    2. Be honest with your recording as a little snack here and there that go untracked can be the difference in identifying what is changing and why or why not you're seeing results.
    3. Don't beat yourself up about it - ever! We all make mistakes, have days that are over the calorie count, don't get that work out in that we had intended to. Be kind to yourself.

    Good luck, you will do this!