
Hi everyone! Today I am have made the decision to start my journey on my diet. I have a 10 month old son I want to live healthy for but most of all for me. I really never stick to anything I start. I want to lose weight for myself and my family. Does anyone have any tips


  • VykkDraygoVPR
    VykkDraygoVPR Posts: 465 Member
    My tips:

    Eat what you like, just in moderation.
    Invest in a digital scale (~$10-$20).
    Weigh or measure everything that you eat.
    If you are making meals, the recipe builder is very handy.
    When using the recipe builder, weigh the finished product, and enter the weight in grams as the number of servings.
    Keep some high quality dark chocolate handy. :)

    Also, keep in mind that fluctuations are normal. Water weight can make huge changes in your weight, but it is just temporary.
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    Start slow and don't make changes that you can't live with for the rest of your life.

    The first step is to log your food. I recommend that you just log your normal diet for the first couple of weeks. Get a food scale so that you can weigh all of your solid foods and use measuring cups/spoons for liquids. Practice logging without any pressure about what you are eating.

    As you log, you'll start seeing things that you didn't realize had so many calories. You'll see that you are eating more of some things than you thought you were eating. Start working on portion control. You can eat what you normally eat, just less of it and/or less often.

    You might make some satisfying substitutions. If you like fried chicken and baked chicken, you might eat it baked more often than fried.

    Weight loss takes time, patience, and persistence. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

    Weight loss isn't linear. Due to water weight and other biological processes, your weight will go up and down a bit all the time. However, as long as you eat fewer calories than your body uses, your weight will trend downward.

    Good luck! You can do this!
  • nanabanana39
    nanabanana39 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi there! Be patient with yourself first of all because Rome wasn't built in a day so losing weight is a process. Start with small changes because it adds up to great results. Set exercise goals that you feel are attainable. Don't get discouraged because that's how i was starting to feel. I'm a recently diagnosed diabetic and seeing others eat goodies has been a struggle but there is no room for error and im fighting for my health so instead of moping, im encouraged to keep making healthier choices for me so that i can be a healthy mom for my kids. You got this and good luck on your health journey!! :)