I cant do this on my own

I am 37, I am a teacher and mother of 3 young kids, so I dont sit around a lot. I have been struggling to lose the weight I gained with my pregnancy, (my son is 15 months now!) and my weight is not BUDGING. In January I joined a gym and started to finally get serious. I go at least 5 days a week, doing either 30 minutes of cardio (min), or 50 min cardio, or 30 cardio + strength. It has become my routine now, and I really love going. I have also been tracking my calories on my loseit app. I used freedieting.com to get a caloric need: I weight 203, and for maintenance my cal needs are about 2350, weight loss 1800, extreme loss 1600. I have tried calorie-cycling to 'trick' my metabolism, but still nothing. I have not yet tried cutting out all sugars/carbs but that is the next thing I think I might need to do, because NOTHING is working. I def. dont feel like I am starving myself, so I cannot believe that I am not eating enough. My husband keeps saying that he can see a difference, and reminding me that muscle weighs more than fat, but honestly- the scale is the EXACT same as it was in April. So...whats up with that? The other thing I thought to do was increase my strength training or start adding a 30 minute walk every morning. I am just at such a loss- this is so hard & frustrating. I did the HCG diet before and got down to 161 and it is so tempting to do that again, but it made my hair fall out and I cant handle that again. Maybe I should do a cleanse? I just honestly thought I was doing all the right things and that damn scale this morning really ruined my day. :(


  • WhiteGirlWasted13
    WhiteGirlWasted13 Posts: 178 Member
    The only thing I can suggest is to measure yourself. After that, go to your closet and put on something that you know was too tight in the past, and then something that fit really well. Sometimes the scale won't move, but your body does change shape. It could be that you are losing fat, but building lean muscle at the same time. Sometimes, this happens to me, but then I start doing the 'ole fashion show in my closet, and that's when I can really see my results.
  • LouSteven
    LouSteven Posts: 10
    Take your measurements instead of weighing your self. Weight is just a number, and your husband is probably right, all your work is probably making you look better! Don't get down on yourself, and don't give up. I'm a teacher too, and summer is our time to kick our training into high gear! :) (And please don't do the diet that made you go bald again; a little overweight with hair is probably preferable to a bald skinny minnie!)
  • melissarforlife
    melissarforlife Posts: 47 Member
    Lets do this together! Add me :)
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I've talked to many dieticians and doctors, and have yet to find one that actually thinks a cleanse is a good idea. NONE of them recommend them.

    My suggestions:

    Do take measurements - that gives you yet another way to gather data to help you on your journey. Also, get some sort of Fitbit or activity monitor (if you don't already have one).

    Make sure that you're logging EVERYTHING down to the condiments, and "be real" about portion sizes. Talk to a dietician at least a couple of times, and show them your food diary, just to see if there are some things he/she might do differently or see what suggestions they might have.

    Talk to a trainer at least once about what goals you have in mind and what you want to accomplish. He/she might have some suggestions about how to change up the routine to be more effective.

    (You don't have to see the dietician/trainer every time - just once/twice to get you going down the right path.)

    For what it's worth, and good luck! Stick with it, it'll come!!
  • jenga516
    jenga516 Posts: 4
    Thank you for the replies! The good thing is that I like to go to the gym and it has become a habit. Its just frustrating as hell that I have been working so hard and I havent seen and loss. I dont usually take measurements, but I have been taking out the old clothes to see when I can start fitting into things better. For me, when I measure using measuring tape, I feel like I can never get an accurate measurement. Not sure the best way to do it.

    Also- how do I add a friend?
  • Siegel15
    Siegel15 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Jenga, I hadn't lost any for 3 days. I decided to measure and WOW!!!! I had lost an INCH all over and 2 inches off my waist!!!! So, yeah. Measure.
  • Azzi77
    Azzi77 Posts: 2
    add me too! I'd love to have a group of supportive people! I just started and I'm just glad that I'm trying to eat a bit healthier than I was. Baby steps for me at this point!