Lost 5kg by not eating back exercise calories!

I've never liked adding exercise to MFP as it adjusts my food goals according to calculated calories burned. Additionally, we burn calories regardless of what we are doing, so eating back the exercise calories completely makes little sense IMHO.

Recently, I started adjusting the exercise calories to 1from whatever the number of calories attributed to the exercise. Example: 100 calories for 15 minutes bike riding; I adjust manually to 1 calorie.

In this way, I can still record my workout times (hrs, mins) but MFP does not adjust my food calorie goals.

I've stuck as best as possible to my calorie goals for the last 3 weeks using this approach, and have managed to lose 5 kilos (11 lbs)!

I should also mention that I have been sober in October and eating very clean, both of which have helped me to lose the weight!


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited October 2015
    11lbs in 3 weeks is an unhealthy loss if you are not 1) at the start of your weight loss hence water loss or 2) morbidly obese

    It is basically telling you you are not adequately fuelling your body for the exercise you are doing - the weight loss will be coming from more LBM than you need it to.


    you should read up on it
    JANINE123XXX Posts: 3 Member
    I too do not eat the calories gained by excercise I just stick to my calories allowed without excercise but even then I try not to eat them all I try to stick to 1000 a day..I have lost 3 kilos in first week but after weighing the next day 1 kilo had gone back on..I don't know why..
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I too do not eat the calories gained by excercise I just stick to my calories allowed without excercise but even then I try not to eat them all I try to stick to 1000 a day..I have lost 3 kilos in first week but after weighing the next day 1 kilo had gone back on..I don't know why..

    Water weight fluctuations

    Look guys if you want to cut from TDEE that's fine and a healthy approach

    But following MFP method, if you are logging your food accurately which you may well not be (probably aren't actually) doing then you should be eating back exercise calories in order to fuel your body

    Not doing so results in a greater loss of LBM than necessary and you don't want to be losing LBM but fat
    Not fueling exercise
    Eventual crash and burn

    Of course the MFP databases are suspect - the best advice is to eat back half of MFP database calories and assess your weight loss in terms of target over each rolling 6-8 week cycle and readjust proportion eaten (the same can be said of gym exercise machines) If you are using an HRM to monitor calorie burn then this is only for steady state cardio, weight lifting = minimal calorie burn

    It's a learning curve to be honest
  • pembr0ke
    pembr0ke Posts: 54 Member
    i think the biggest factor, if I'm honest, is not drinking and cutting out the junk food.

    I'm still eating 2200 calories a day and weight training/swimming 3 times a week. I'm now 105 kilos, 6' 3" and 49 yrs old.

    I'm eating high protein with lots of fruit and veg, tons of water and sleeping well.

    My BMI was 31.1 at 110 kilos (3 weeks ago); obese, but I certainly do not look overweight (I carry quite a lot of muscle).

    My goal is 90 kilos.

    I honestly feel great!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    All I am suggesting is a healthy approach to losing the weight over time

    but congratulations, I'm delighted you're making healthy changes and on the path to health .. feels great doesn't it?
  • pembr0ke
    pembr0ke Posts: 54 Member
    Certainly does!
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Not eating exercise doesn't make sense?

    Say you burn 2500 calories with out exercise. You eat 1500 because your trying to lose 2pound a week. That's a deficit of 1000 calories.

    Say you do an hours exercise and burn 500 calories. You burn 3000 total, eat 1500. Now your deficit is 1500 which would likely result in 3 pound loss.

    But if you ate an additional 500 calories your deficit would be back to 1000 and your original goal.

    So like someone else mentioned, unless you have a lot of weight to lose, 3-5 pounds a week is likely unhealthy and losing muscles instead of fat.

    Does eating exercise calories still sound confusing or pointless?
  • pembr0ke
    pembr0ke Posts: 54 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Not eating exercise doesn't make sense?

    Say you burn 2500 calories with out exercise. You eat 1500 because your trying to lose 2 pound a week. That's a deficit of 1000 calories.

    Say you do an hours exercise and burn 500 calories. You burn 3000 total, eat 1500. Now your deficit is 1500 which would likely result in 3 pound loss.

    But if you ate an additional 500 calories your deficit would be back to 1000 and your original goal.

    So like someone else mentioned, unless you have a lot of weight to lose, 3-5 pounds a week is likely unhealthy and losing muscles instead of fat.

    Does eating exercise calories still sound confusing or pointless?

    A 1000 calorie deficit does seems pointless and confusing.

    I've managed to lose the weight and not the muscle, something I was worried about at first, but not so much now (after the last week's gym visits).

    I've managed to eat well with healthy portion sizes, no junk, lots of filling fruit and veg, and have not felt hungry enough to worry, which to me is the key. If I do not feel well or lack energy, I have a problem.

    My goal is to lose 20 kilos of fat, not muscle, so I've kept my protein levels high (which helps to starve off hunger).

    To each their own, but this has worked for me, so worth sharing with others!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    One word here. . . . .sustainability.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited October 2015
    pembr0ke wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Not eating exercise doesn't make sense?

    Say you burn 2500 calories with out exercise. You eat 1500 because your trying to lose 2 pound a week. That's a deficit of 1000 calories.

    Say you do an hours exercise and burn 500 calories. You burn 3000 total, eat 1500. Now your deficit is 1500 which would likely result in 3 pound loss.

    But if you ate an additional 500 calories your deficit would be back to 1000 and your original goal.

    So like someone else mentioned, unless you have a lot of weight to lose, 3-5 pounds a week is likely unhealthy and losing muscles instead of fat.

    Does eating exercise calories still sound confusing or pointless?

    A 1000 calorie deficit does seems pointless and confusing.

    I've managed to lose the weight and not the muscle, something I was worried about at first, but not so much now (after the last week's gym visits).

    I've managed to eat well with healthy portion sizes, no junk, lots of filling fruit and veg, and have not felt hungry enough to worry, which to me is the key. If I do not feel well or lack energy, I have a problem.

    My goal is to lose 20 kilos of fat, not muscle, so I've kept my protein levels high (which helps to starve off hunger).

    To each their own, but this has worked for me, so worth sharing with others!

    Unless you did bodpop to calculate your body fat, there is no way to know that you didn't lose muscle. Gym tests are not accurate at all. You probably DID lose some, sorry to tell you, and will lose more if you keep going.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    pembr0ke wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Not eating exercise doesn't make sense?

    Say you burn 2500 calories with out exercise. You eat 1500 because your trying to lose 2 pound a week. That's a deficit of 1000 calories.

    Say you do an hours exercise and burn 500 calories. You burn 3000 total, eat 1500. Now your deficit is 1500 which would likely result in 3 pound loss.

    But if you ate an additional 500 calories your deficit would be back to 1000 and your original goal.

    So like someone else mentioned, unless you have a lot of weight to lose, 3-5 pounds a week is likely unhealthy and losing muscles instead of fat.

    Does eating exercise calories still sound confusing or pointless?

    A 1000 calorie deficit does seems pointless and confusing.

    I've managed to lose the weight and not the muscle, something I was worried about at first, but not so much now (after the last week's gym visits).

    I've managed to eat well with healthy portion sizes, no junk, lots of filling fruit and veg, and have not felt hungry enough to worry, which to me is the key. If I do not feel well or lack energy, I have a problem.

    My goal is to lose 20 kilos of fat, not muscle, so I've kept my protein levels high (which helps to starve off hunger).

    To each their own, but this has worked for me, so worth sharing with others!

    That's the max recommended deficit for safe/healthy weight loss without a doctor's supervision.
  • hamelle2
    hamelle2 Posts: 297 Member
    pembr0ke wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Not eating exercise doesn't make sense?

    Say you burn 2500 calories with out exercise. You eat 1500 because your trying to lose 2 pound a week. That's a deficit of 1000 calories.

    Say you do an hours exercise and burn 500 calories. You burn 3000 total, eat 1500. Now your deficit is 1500 which would likely result in 3 pound loss.

    But if you ate an additional 500 calories your deficit would be back to 1000 and your original goal.

    So like someone else mentioned, unless you have a lot of weight to lose, 3-5 pounds a week is likely unhealthy and losing muscles instead of fat.

    Does eating exercise calories still sound confusing or pointless?

    A 1000 calorie deficit does seems pointless and confusing.

    I've managed to lose the weight and not the muscle, something I was worried about at first, but not so much now (after the last week's gym visits).

    I've managed to eat well with healthy portion sizes, no junk, lots of filling fruit and veg, and have not felt hungry enough to worry, which to me is the key. If I do not feel well or lack energy, I have a problem.

    My goal is to lose 20 kilos of fat, not muscle, so I've kept my protein levels high (which helps to starve off hunger).

    To each their own, but this has worked for me, so worth sharing with others!

    That's the max recommended deficit for safe/healthy weight loss without a doctor's supervision.

    Agree. What is wrong with a 1000 cal deficit?Congrats on your loss!
  • pembr0ke
    pembr0ke Posts: 54 Member
    hamelle2 wrote: »
    pembr0ke wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Not eating exercise doesn't make sense?

    Say you burn 2500 calories with out exercise. You eat 1500 because your trying to lose 2 pound a week. That's a deficit of 1000 calories.

    Say you do an hours exercise and burn 500 calories. You burn 3000 total, eat 1500. Now your deficit is 1500 which would likely result in 3 pound loss.

    But if you ate an additional 500 calories your deficit would be back to 1000 and your original goal.

    So like someone else mentioned, unless you have a lot of weight to lose, 3-5 pounds a week is likely unhealthy and losing muscles instead of fat.

    Does eating exercise calories still sound confusing or pointless?

    A 1000 calorie deficit does seems pointless and confusing.

    I've managed to lose the weight and not the muscle, something I was worried about at first, but not so much now (after the last week's gym visits).

    I've managed to eat well with healthy portion sizes, no junk, lots of filling fruit and veg, and have not felt hungry enough to worry, which to me is the key. If I do not feel well or lack energy, I have a problem.

    My goal is to lose 20 kilos of fat, not muscle, so I've kept my protein levels high (which helps to starve off hunger).

    To each their own, but this has worked for me, so worth sharing with others!

    That's the max recommended deficit for safe/healthy weight loss without a doctor's supervision.

    Agree. What is wrong with a 1000 cal deficit?Congrats on your loss!

    Based on what I would normally eat, and what I'm eating now 1000 calories just seems like a lot. Saying that, I must be close to 1000 if I were to include alcohol or junk which I'm no longer eating/drinking?

  • pembr0ke
    pembr0ke Posts: 54 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    pembr0ke wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Not eating exercise doesn't make sense?

    Say you burn 2500 calories with out exercise. You eat 1500 because your trying to lose 2 pound a week. That's a deficit of 1000 calories.

    Say you do an hours exercise and burn 500 calories. You burn 3000 total, eat 1500. Now your deficit is 1500 which would likely result in 3 pound loss.

    But if you ate an additional 500 calories your deficit would be back to 1000 and your original goal.

    So like someone else mentioned, unless you have a lot of weight to lose, 3-5 pounds a week is likely unhealthy and losing muscles instead of fat.

    Does eating exercise calories still sound confusing or pointless?

    A 1000 calorie deficit does seems pointless and confusing.

    I've managed to lose the weight and not the muscle, something I was worried about at first, but not so much now (after the last week's gym visits).

    I've managed to eat well with healthy portion sizes, no junk, lots of filling fruit and veg, and have not felt hungry enough to worry, which to me is the key. If I do not feel well or lack energy, I have a problem.

    My goal is to lose 20 kilos of fat, not muscle, so I've kept my protein levels high (which helps to starve off hunger).

    To each their own, but this has worked for me, so worth sharing with others!

    Unless you did bodpop to calculate your body fat, there is no way to know that you didn't lose muscle. Gym tests are not accurate at all. You probably DID lose some, sorry to tell you, and will lose more if you keep going.

    I measure arm circumference and track all my lifting on excel. I've increasing my max load and volume as per normal over the last few weeks while I've lost the weight. I continue to increase my lifts by small degrees and my arms are more or less the same size as a month ago, maybe a tiny bit larger. If I feel myself getting weaker I will up the calories to compensate. I don't think it is impossible to get stronger while at the same time burn fat/lose weight.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Well, I don't actually track calories from any individual exercise because most of the things I do are difficult to accurately estimate.

    Instead, I use tools to trend my calories and weight to estimate my effective average TDEE over the past 14/30/90 days and use that as a starting point for calculating my deficit.
  • maplehouse200
    maplehouse200 Posts: 53 Member
    We're similar.
    For the last 7 wks I've been ingesting an average about 1400 cals per day and a fair bit of that has been beer and wine. (Not Greene King tho'). I'm very active, especially at the weekends so probably have a deficit of 1000+. I'm down 16 pounds and contrary to what I'm reading on MFP, I'm not weak, tired, malnourished, hungry, grumpy etc etc.
    I maybe losing some muscle mass but I can still chop firewood for a 5hr stint and I'll pop back to the gym when I lose some more weight; probably another stone.
    I don't advocate the way I lose weight to anybody else, just putting it out there as what works for me and what seems to work for you. We are all different.
    Do whatever works for you.
    Having said that, I appreciate that I do not have too much to lose, and cannot say that this could be sustainable for someone with a lot to lose.
    BTW. 55 6'3'' 13st/10lb.
    RHR 54.
    (Fuller's London Pride).
  • MarcyKirkton
    MarcyKirkton Posts: 507 Member
    hamelle2 wrote: »
    pembr0ke wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Not eating exercise doesn't make sense?

    That's the max recommended deficit for safe/healthy weight loss without a doctor's supervision.

    Agree. What is wrong with a 1000 cal deficit?Congrats on your loss!

    Agree, but on here it's OK to post threads about taking diet pills, but mention 1000 calories? I got warned about recommending a "dangerous" diet or something like that. I still do not understand. My MFP says clearly that BELOW 1000 longterm isn't considered safe.

    But the Forum rules are applied different than the actual tracking tools. Anyway, I just avoid specific reference now to comply with the rules.

    and, OP, congrats on being sober. That's great!
  • MarcyKirkton
    MarcyKirkton Posts: 507 Member
    oops.....the quoting deal still confuses me.........lol
  • blessingsfromabove721

    pembr0ke wrote: »
    hamelle2 wrote: »
    pembr0ke wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Not eating exercise doesn't make sense?

    Say you burn 2500 calories with out exercise. You eat 1500 because your trying to lose 2 pound a week. That's a deficit of 1000 calories.

    Say you do an hours exercise and burn 500 calories. You burn 3000 total, eat 1500. Now your deficit is 1500 which would likely result in 3 pound loss.

    But if you ate an additional 500 calories your deficit would be back to 1000 and your original goal.

    So like someone else mentioned, unless you have a lot of weight to lose, 3-5 pounds a week is likely unhealthy and losing muscles instead of fat.

    Does eating exercise calories still sound confusing or pointless?

    A 1000 calorie deficit does seems pointless and confusing.

    I've managed to lose the weight and not the muscle, something I was worried about at first, but not so much now (after the last week's gym visits).

    I've managed to eat well with healthy portion sizes, no junk, lots of filling fruit and veg, and have not felt hungry enough to worry, which to me is the key. If I do not feel well or lack energy, I have a problem.

    My goal is to lose 20 kilos of fat, not muscle, so I've kept my protein levels high (which helps to starve off hunger).

    To each their own, but this has worked for me, so worth sharing with others!

    That's the max recommended deficit for safe/healthy weight loss without a doctor's supervision.

    Agree. What is wrong with a 1000 cal deficit?Congrats on your loss!

    Based on what I would normally eat, and what I'm eating now 1000 calories just seems like a lot. Saying that, I must be close to 1000 if I were to include alcohol or junk which I'm no longer eating/drinking?

    How many pounds are you looking to lose a week? And are you using the mfp method or tdee method? Either way, 1000 calorie a day deficit is a 2lb/wk loss (which I assume you are at a much larger deficit, hence the 3.5lb average loss)
  • pembr0ke
    pembr0ke Posts: 54 Member
    We're similar.
    For the last 7 wks I've been ingesting an average about 1400 cals per day and a fair bit of that has been beer and wine. (Not Greene King tho'). I'm very active, especially at the weekends so probably have a deficit of 1000+. I'm down 16 pounds and contrary to what I'm reading on MFP, I'm not weak, tired, malnourished, hungry, grumpy etc etc.
    I maybe losing some muscle mass but I can still chop firewood for a 5hr stint and I'll pop back to the gym when I lose some more weight; probably another stone.
    I don't advocate the way I lose weight to anybody else, just putting it out there as what works for me and what seems to work for you. We are all different.
    Do whatever works for you.
    Having said that, I appreciate that I do not have too much to lose, and cannot say that this could be sustainable for someone with a lot to lose.
    BTW. 55 6'3'' 13st/10lb.
    RHR 54.
    (Fuller's London Pride).

    Extra calories are easily consumed when a bottle of wine contains 450/500 calories. Add to this the junk I would normally eat with the wine- peanuts, crisps, chocolate, all items I do not need because I am not necessarily hungry. In fact, they are the reason I gained weight in the first place!

    Cutting 1000 calories of junk and making good choices for 'necessary' calories shouldn't leave you starved, feeling weak or unwell. The opposite, feeling healthier and having more energy is more likely. To me, the exercise has always been there, it is the diet that needed fixing.