Sterotypical fella


A friend told me about this website at work, so I thought id give it a crack.

Well, guess I'm pretty typical. Was a bit of a "lad" in my early years, drank too much, ate too much and pretty much thought my metabolism would keep me looking good! Well after settling down, working too much and not really looking after myself, its finally caught up with me.

I really need to lose some weight and start looking after myself. I've just about lost all confidence and its getting to me. If I run into people who I haven't seen for a while, they always seem shocked at how much I've let myself go. So enough is enough!!

Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks!!


  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    Look at some different sites, such as fitnessfrog and to figure out what you need for calorie intake. Find out what your current BMR (basic metabolic rate) and TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) are, what you "should" weigh (recommended weight) and what your body fat percentage is/recommended.

    Set goals for intake and exercise.

    Make a plan to achieve your goals. Set mini-goals so you can have successes on the journey.

    Get some MFP friends to support you. You will see we all have successes and setbacks. We cheer for each other's successes, and we prompt, poke, and cajole one another through our setbacks.

    Expect setbacks. They will be there. Be ready to push through them. Don't give up. You didn't get to the place you are today in a day, you won't achieve your goals in a day, but one day "off the wagon" won't undo all you have achieved either.

    Measure, measure, measure. The scale is a quick and easy measure, but it doesn't tell the whole story. Take photos wearing the same clothes, front/side/back view every 2-3 months. Have your waist, bicep, hips, thighs, calves measured with a tape measure.

    Sorry to flood you with "do this". Of course, these are all just suggestions. Things I either did or wish I'd done! That said, one more....take everything given as advice as suggestions, but do what works for you. We all are in different places in our journey and most are eager to share, but you will get conflicting advice sometimes. It is up to YOU to sort through it and decide whether it works for you!

    Congratulations on taking this step forward. None of us here has regretted making changes, I can daresay!
  • robnfc
    robnfc Posts: 17
    Haha a lot to take in there! But that's great! Thank you very much!
  • LindsayLL30
    LindsayLL30 Posts: 154 Member
    I started by doing sports I liked, and exercises that came easily to me at first. And LOGGING everything that went into my mouth! MFP friends are a huge support to :) Ill add you if you want!
  • TwelveSticks
    TwelveSticks Posts: 288 Member
    Yep - what "srsteier" said! ^^^
  • roseenk
    roseenk Posts: 8 Member
    You can do it! I researched a few websites to see what my body needed daily to maintain. Fitness pal said I should eat 1200 calories a day, which I did not think I could do --- too restricting. So, I started at 1700 calories. I was amazed at how much I could really eat if I made good choices. I am about 80 days in and have lost 15.4 pounds. Good luck! And remember ... a habit takes 28 days to break! :)
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    Better to start now than at 50 years old.

    The biggest thing I have found is, be committed or don't waste your time.

    Don't do it to reach a "goal", do it to change your habits resulting in a healthier you.
  • stargazer008
    stargazer008 Posts: 531
    A few tips from me;

    -Try to measure your food portions accurately. We can often under or over estimate the portion size. If possible, try to get a kitchen scale to accurately measure your food.

    -Go on "Scooby's Calorie Calculator", just Google it and it will show up. That calculator will provide you with a number that is appropriate for healthy, sustainable weight loss.

    -Try to stay motivated and determined to reach your goals.
  • salt160
    salt160 Posts: 44
    This is totally achievable. I lost 70 pounds last go around. Due to changes in my life though I let it go(stopped logging) and gained a lot back. THAT is discouraging. Friends and logging are key, and it is a lifestyle change.

    I have also found that if you stick to the calories that MFP gives you and add exercise, you will succeed. You can do all that other stuff but I don't think it will make it any better.

    Eat healthy and exercise while maintaining a calorie deficit and you will lose weight.

    Feel free to add me.
  • robnfc
    robnfc Posts: 17
    Wow! Thanks everyone

    I understand the logging thing. I've been using the app on my phone and its really useful. And thanks for "scooby" thing it looks great.

    I think the not having "nights out" is going to be my biggest battle!
  • mutley1971
    mutley1971 Posts: 43 Member
    hey there fella, add me as a friend if you want some support, another fella here :)

    sadly there's no magic formula, just move more and eat less
  • michellechawner
    I still have one or two nights out a week - on Mondays we have dinner out with a non-profit I work with , and my usual Wednesday date night. I just try and plan ahead or find out where we are going so I can find a menu online to look at.

    Measure everything/weigh everything. Also just move more. Every little bit helps!
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Wow! Thanks everyone

    I understand the logging thing. I've been using the app on my phone and its really useful. And thanks for "scooby" thing it looks great.

    I think the not having "nights out" is going to be my biggest battle!

    I wouldn't stop the night's out personally. Just factor them in & try not to hit the kebab shops afterwards :bigsmile: It's fine if you factor ur alcohol intake in, & exercise!! I can't live without a couple (or 12) vodkas every now & again, so on those days I just go thrash it out at the gym to counter balance it out :wink:
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    Wow! Thanks everyone

    I understand the logging thing. I've been using the app on my phone and its really useful. And thanks for "scooby" thing it looks great.

    I think the not having "nights out" is going to be my biggest battle!

    You can still do the night out thing so long as you have it in your budget and account for it. Also make better choices. I am not a hard liquor gal but you can do those drinks and spend very few cals. I am a beer kind of lady so I limit myself to 2 or 3 and make sure I have exercised that day and ate right too.I also drink water between beers to help the night last longer (as well as avoiding being groggy the next morning). Eat before you go out to avoid the snack foods in the bars.
  • robnfc
    robnfc Posts: 17
    Again thanks everyone!!

    Well I'm off out Friday so ill see how I far. End of night food is going to be the hardest, Ill just have to walk down the street with my eyes closed and ignore the yummy smells!!

    Workout with a hangover doesn't sound nice! But, no pain no gain and all that!

    I like the drinking water between drinks idea, guess it helps flush out the booze a bit.

    Thanks folks
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Have a good time :-) personally I find a swim rather than a gym session sorts my head right out after a big session lol. Also if your taking supplements it's worth checking out milk thistle. Helps support liver function, & I don't really suffer from hang overs if I've taken it a couple of days prior to a heavy night :-D