can someone explain this for me?

Right let me just make this quick and simpel to understand, I'm 18 years old and my calorie maintanence for my activity level is 2400-2500 calories. I've also been told to eat more because I'm 18 and my body is developing still and with hormones and ect I should be eating atleast 3000, but anyway back to the point, last monday I had lost 0.4-5 kilo's about a pound eating 1700-1750 calories, I thought this was a bit to quick to lose weight for me so I bumped my calories up to 1800, when i weighed myself today at the same time as last week I had gained 0.5kg's back? how is this possible, I only increased my calories by 100 and i still was in a deficit... gained a pound? really frustrated about that. what i do think the weight might be from is water because this week i started taking this laxitive stool softener liquid that is supposed to help my constipation and it says that it retains water to soften the stools or something could this be it?


  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,780 Member
    Weight loss is not linear and your body weight fluctuates throughout any given day. Rather than be concerned with the daily fluctuations, concentrate on the weight loss trend. Do you weigh less today than you did 2-3 weeks ago? If so, don't worry.
  • TwelveSticks
    TwelveSticks Posts: 288 Member
    If you have constipation issues, then anything could happen when you step on the scales. Only time will show the downward trend which you will surely get if you keep eating at the levels you are. You certainly can't have put a pound of fat on, not unless you had a sneaky extra 3,500 calories in the last week and aren't letting on!

    I'm not sure why you think losing 1lb a week is too fast though - 1 to 1.5lb a week is generally considered to be a perfectly healthy rate of loss...
  • but i had 1 pound weight loss last week and I only increased calories by 100 from then till now so i had 1800 this week and i weighed in a pound heavier? it just pisses me off because i worked my *kitten* off and ate as clean as possible to shift a bit more weight and i gained last weeks effort back...
  • Weight loss is not linear and your body weight fluctuates throughout any given day. Rather than be concerned with the daily fluctuations, concentrate on the weight loss trend. Do you weigh less today than you did 2-3 weeks ago? If so, don't worry.
    but i had 1 pound weight loss last week and I only increased calories by 100 from then till now so i had 1800 this week and i weighed in a pound heavier? it just pisses me off because i worked my *kitten* off and ate as clean as possible to shift a bit more weight and i gained last weeks effort back...
  • It might have just been a bad weigh in.. Water retention from eating salt or working out intensely can easily add a pound. So can not having had a poop that morning. I had a birthday binge this weekend, and when I weighed in this morning, I was up almost four pounds from last weigh in, but I know that I'll be back to previous weight or below next week when I weight in again, because that's all water (and gummy worms) just swimming around causing trouble. I know I didn't eat 4lbs worth of calories (whats that, like 12,000 calories?), so I know it's all water and food matter being turned into toilet matter.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Weight loss is not linear and your body weight fluctuates throughout any given day. Rather than be concerned with the daily fluctuations, concentrate on the weight loss trend. Do you weigh less today than you did 2-3 weeks ago? If so, don't worry.
    but i had 1 pound weight loss last week and I only increased calories by 100 from then till now so i had 1800 this week and i weighed in a pound heavier? it just pisses me off because i worked my *kitten* off and ate as clean as possible to shift a bit more weight and i gained last weeks effort back...

    Again, weight loss is not linear. It is very possible to show a loss, then gain, then loss and so on. You could have had an actual fat loss, but then had a high sodium intake. If you work out a lot, you could have water retention. There are SO many variables that you often can not just look at it daily or weekly. You need to give it time to see a trend (monthly or more).
  • chefwrx
    chefwrx Posts: 59 Member
    How much do you currently weigh? What do you do for exercise and work?
  • How much do you currently weigh? What do you do for exercise and work?
    120 pounds now, was 119 last week :( i'm just a active teen play football every other day and go to college everyday go town nearly everyday and walk about 7-10miles a day. please get back to me
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    How much do you currently weigh? What do you do for exercise and work?
    120 pounds now, was 119 last week :( i'm just a active teen play football every other day and go to college everyday go town nearly everyday and walk about 7-10miles a day. please get back to me

    18 yr old male, weigh 120, trying to lose weight? Does not compute. Your body wants to add muscle, so eat a decent amount and let it. You will not gain fat playing football and walking 7-10 miles every day.
  • chefwrx
    chefwrx Posts: 59 Member
    IMO, lift heavy and eat. Don't worry about your weight at that age... Also, you're too light to be concerned with shedding weight.