Just looking to chat about food, fitness, life



  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    edited October 2015
    Does anyone else have issues with only half the message they typed actually posting? I write some thing but it always cuts half of it off!!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,718 Member
    @cushman5279 hey there
    Funny how there are so many on the same path yet they are never close to us!!

    Very true! Maybe that's a blessing in disguise. Happy to see the positive posts and updates! @summerkissed, glad you had a good day yesterday. Sorry to hear about your stress at home. Hope it gets better!

    I'm also similar to @cushman5279: used to over do cardio, but gave that up for heavy lifting and not only am I so much happier, I feel better as well. It has changed my body shape for the better, needless to say. Too much cardio only leads to over use injuries and is a huge time waster.
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    @BZAH10 in my first comp I paid a coach $700 to get me on stage, she had me doing 40min of cardio daily!!! On top of 5 days heavy weights! I got to 9% body fat but lost nearly all my muscle and screwed up my metabolism too no end!! My second season I did 2x20min cardio sessions a week that's all and 4 days lifting....I kept all my muscle was able to eat pretty much anything I wanted and got on stage in better condition than the first comp!!! Fat % was higher but that was because I was full time career of my grandparents and my nan died the week before comp :( I decided not to compete so I stopped training but then on the day I carried her coffin I thought 'no nan helped me pick and bling my bikini this comp is for her :)" I got up on stage 2 days later without the proper prep and still looked better! On my profile that's the pic of me in my green bikini.....it's a very special picture! Endless hours of cardio is silly and not needed!!!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,718 Member
    Wow - that is quite an inspiring story, @summerkissed! Thanks for sharing! I'm quite impressed at both your mental and physical strength. Goes to show you that when we think we are tapped out and at our limits, we really can strive for more and for better. Great pic! I'm sorry for the loss of your nan, but clearly she was with you then and she still is now.
  • FeenixFlashfire
    FeenixFlashfire Posts: 21 Member
    Awesome pic @summerkissed ... I am at CLE so my ability to hop on is limited lol