Where to find support?

Hi, I've been using MFP to log my food for about a month now. I was exercising frequently but not losing any weight because I wasn’t changing my diet. Someone told me diet is 80% of losing weight and exercise only accounts for 20% so that’s when I decided to be more accountable for what I put in my mouth by logging my food into MFP. I’ve lost about 4 pounds so far in the past month by continuing to exercise regularly and trying to eat healthier.
I’m doing pretty good on my own but could really use some more motivation to keep it up, especially with the healthy eating. I am looking for a group where we can all motivate each other, share pictures of the healthy meals we eat, share recipes, have an activity and weight check in, set goals and make sure we’re on track to meet those goals, share tips, etc. I find that having weekly goals and being held accountable really helps keep me on track. This is the first time I’m visiting the MFP community so I’m not really sure how to best utilize it but if anyone has any suggestions or groups or websites or any other places where I can find this kind of support I’d greatly appreciate it. Thanks and good luck to all!
