Back from my 2nd (or maybe 3rd) hiatus!

Hi everyone!

I am not new, but have fallen off the "MFP Wagon" a few times. Starting back again today and looking for new friends :) Feel free to add me if you like!


  • Jans2662
    Jans2662 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ambymaries , just noticed the word hiatus? Are referring to a hernia .. I have one but the hospital didn't tell the doc how big it was in report ! After my gastroscopy.. Argh .. Good luck with your goals. I'm am new and needing to improve fitness and health..
  • Ambymaries
    Ambymaries Posts: 26 Member
    Nope, just referring to the fact that I've been away from MFP for some time, for the second or third time. I'm a yo-yo MFP member it seems...

    Hope you heal quickly! Good luck with your goals also :)
  • rhondatime2chg
    rhondatime2chg Posts: 92 Member
    Me too!!
  • scottdavidson17
    scottdavidson17 Posts: 4 Member
    We've all fallen off the wagon a time or two. The important thing is that you got back on it! Great job! Keep up the fight!