Who else is an overweight vegan?



  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    I'll go you one better. I was an overweight RAW vegan! Not at all hard to do if you have chocolate covered bananas for breakfast, (cashew) cheesecake for lunch, and walnut brownies for dinner! I figured since it was all raw, healthy ingredients, I could eat as much as I wanted. Turns out, that's not true! When dealing with cacao and coconut oil and macadamias and avocados, it's not that hard to overdo it. Fifty pounds crept up on me before I noticed. (Over the course of two years.)
  • CrystalConsults
    CrystalConsults Posts: 67 Member
    I was happy and slender as a vegetarian and then a vegan for about 30 years. Last year, at the age of 53, started gaining weight around my mid-section. Went to doc, asked her to check my thyroid, although I felt silly for asking. Good news, thyroid is fine! Bad news, I was pre-diabetic! Yeap. Apparently, there are about 6 million people in the US who aren't considered overweight who are pre-D. Go figure.
    So, I did a ton of research and decided to completely overhaul my WOE. Doing HFLC now. Lost that ab fat in no time. Have been keeping it off. And, no longer pre-D.
    Feel fabulous! Tons of energy, ZERO carb cravings.
    Do I recommend HFLC to all? Heck no. Everyone's body is different, and it changes as you get older. Be wise. Do what works for you. All the best!
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    i have a vegan friend that eats a plate full of french fries covered in melted cheese.
    every time we go out - it's her go to food

    No, you don't. You may have a friend who thinks she is a vegan. You may have misunderstood her. But vegans do not eat anything covered in cheese. No meat, no products that originated with animals.

    I've never met a fat vegan. I don't know how you get fat on a vegan diet. I believe people have! It would just be difficult to do.

    I could very very easily be a fat vegan. Most of the 'junk' foods that take me over my calories are suitable for vegans - crisps, sweets, jam, chocolate soy milk (I buy soy so that my flatmates don't drink it), too many bananas, and I used to drink far far too much orange juice. In fact, orange juice is probably what used to take me so far over my calories that I gained so much. Oreos are vegan, too, and so are fries, but I'm not partial to either.
  • lifeandleaves
    lifeandleaves Posts: 97 Member
    i have a vegan friend that eats a plate full of french fries covered in melted cheese.
    every time we go out - it's her go to food

    She's not a vegan.
    It could be Violife or Daiya depending on where these fries are being purchased. 8 used to eat cheese fries in Cali... Vegan cheese fries with melted Daiya!
  • nbottin
    nbottin Posts: 14 Member
    Me. I've been vegetarian for 17 years and have now been vegan for one year. I have trouble not eating things. I find something vegan and I have to eat it bc I'm so excited that I found vegan brownies of vegan cheese:(
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    i have a vegan friend that eats a plate full of french fries covered in melted cheese.
    every time we go out - it's her go to food

    No, you don't. You may have a friend who thinks she is a vegan. You may have misunderstood her. But vegans do not eat anything covered in cheese. No meat, no products that originated with animals.

    I've never met a fat vegan. I don't know how you get fat on a vegan diet. I believe people have! It would just be difficult to do.

    It's really not difficult at all given the recent (awesome!) explosion of great vegan cupcake, cookie, and cake recipes. We have access to the same things that make everyone else gain weight. It only takes excess calories.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    i have a vegan friend that eats a plate full of french fries covered in melted cheese.
    every time we go out - it's her go to food

    No, you don't. You may have a friend who thinks she is a vegan. You may have misunderstood her. But vegans do not eat anything covered in cheese. No meat, no products that originated with animals.

    I've never met a fat vegan. I don't know how you get fat on a vegan diet. I believe people have! It would just be difficult to do.

    It's really not difficult at all given the recent (awesome!) explosion of great vegan cupcake, cookie, and cake recipes. We have access to the same things that make everyone else gain weight. It only takes excess calories.

    You're exactly right in this. I can eat vegan chocolate cake all day, or pudding, or ice cream, or even simple nut butters. Any of the above will quickly kill my calorie goals. I mean, I can eat thousands of calories in peanut butter alone... in one sitting... with a spoon. #NoRegrets
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    i have a vegan friend that eats a plate full of french fries covered in melted cheese.
    every time we go out - it's her go to food

    No, you don't. You may have a friend who thinks she is a vegan. You may have misunderstood her. But vegans do not eat anything covered in cheese. No meat, no products that originated with animals.

    I've never met a fat vegan. I don't know how you get fat on a vegan diet. I believe people have! It would just be difficult to do.

    It's really not difficult at all given the recent (awesome!) explosion of great vegan cupcake, cookie, and cake recipes. We have access to the same things that make everyone else gain weight. It only takes excess calories.

    You're exactly right in this. I can eat vegan chocolate cake all day, or pudding, or ice cream, or even simple nut butters. Any of the above will quickly kill my calorie goals. I mean, I can eat thousands of calories in peanut butter alone... in one sitting... with a spoon. #NoRegrets

    Yeah, that's exactly how I gained my extra pounds. I still eat those things, I just measure my portions now!

    I'm planning to make some chocolate peanut butter cups for Halloween -- really looking forward to it!
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    i have a vegan friend that eats a plate full of french fries covered in melted cheese.
    every time we go out - it's her go to food

    No, you don't. You may have a friend who thinks she is a vegan. You may have misunderstood her. But vegans do not eat anything covered in cheese. No meat, no products that originated with animals.

    I've never met a fat vegan. I don't know how you get fat on a vegan diet. I believe people have! It would just be difficult to do.

    It's really not difficult at all given the recent (awesome!) explosion of great vegan cupcake, cookie, and cake recipes. We have access to the same things that make everyone else gain weight. It only takes excess calories.

    You're exactly right in this. I can eat vegan chocolate cake all day, or pudding, or ice cream, or even simple nut butters. Any of the above will quickly kill my calorie goals. I mean, I can eat thousands of calories in peanut butter alone... in one sitting... with a spoon. #NoRegrets

    Yeah, that's exactly how I gained my extra pounds. I still eat those things, I just measure my portions now!

    I'm planning to make some chocolate peanut butter cups for Halloween -- really looking forward to it!

    Ooh... chocolate peanut butter cups. Do you have a recipe to share? I'm totally not going to take your recipe, make it, and eat the whole thing in one sitting. (It's ok... I'm not trying to lose weight, I'm eating in surplus now)

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited October 2015
    Kalikel wrote: »
    i have a vegan friend that eats a plate full of french fries covered in melted cheese.
    every time we go out - it's her go to food

    No, you don't. You may have a friend who thinks she is a vegan. You may have misunderstood her. But vegans do not eat anything covered in cheese. No meat, no products that originated with animals.

    I've never met a fat vegan. I don't know how you get fat on a vegan diet. I believe people have! It would just be difficult to do.

    It's really not difficult at all given the recent (awesome!) explosion of great vegan cupcake, cookie, and cake recipes. We have access to the same things that make everyone else gain weight. It only takes excess calories.

    You're exactly right in this. I can eat vegan chocolate cake all day, or pudding, or ice cream, or even simple nut butters. Any of the above will quickly kill my calorie goals. I mean, I can eat thousands of calories in peanut butter alone... in one sitting... with a spoon. #NoRegrets

    Yeah, that's exactly how I gained my extra pounds. I still eat those things, I just measure my portions now!

    I'm planning to make some chocolate peanut butter cups for Halloween -- really looking forward to it!

    Ooh... chocolate peanut butter cups. Do you have a recipe to share? I'm totally not going to take your recipe, make it, and eat the whole thing in one sitting. (It's ok... I'm not trying to lose weight, I'm eating in surplus now)

    This is the recipe I'm planning to use: http://v-lish.com/recipe/peanut-butter-cups/

    I haven't tried it yet, but other things I've tried from that cookbook have been very tasty. And really, how wrong can you go with chocolate and peanut butter? And peanut butter has protein, which we need! ;P
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    i have a vegan friend that eats a plate full of french fries covered in melted cheese.
    every time we go out - it's her go to food

    No, you don't. You may have a friend who thinks she is a vegan. You may have misunderstood her. But vegans do not eat anything covered in cheese. No meat, no products that originated with animals.

    I've never met a fat vegan. I don't know how you get fat on a vegan diet. I believe people have! It would just be difficult to do.

    It's really not difficult at all given the recent (awesome!) explosion of great vegan cupcake, cookie, and cake recipes. We have access to the same things that make everyone else gain weight. It only takes excess calories.

    You're exactly right in this. I can eat vegan chocolate cake all day, or pudding, or ice cream, or even simple nut butters. Any of the above will quickly kill my calorie goals. I mean, I can eat thousands of calories in peanut butter alone... in one sitting... with a spoon. #NoRegrets

    Yeah, that's exactly how I gained my extra pounds. I still eat those things, I just measure my portions now!

    I'm planning to make some chocolate peanut butter cups for Halloween -- really looking forward to it!

    Ooh... chocolate peanut butter cups. Do you have a recipe to share? I'm totally not going to take your recipe, make it, and eat the whole thing in one sitting. (It's ok... I'm not trying to lose weight, I'm eating in surplus now)

    This is the recipe I'm planning to use: http://v-lish.com/recipe/peanut-butter-cups/

    I haven't tried it yet, but other things I've tried from that cookbook have been very tasty. And really, how wrong can you go with chocolate and peanut butter? And peanut butter has protein, which we need! ;P

    Awesome. I'm going to combine that recipe and this one to induce my peanut butter bulk/coma since it's bulking season.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    i have a vegan friend that eats a plate full of french fries covered in melted cheese.
    every time we go out - it's her go to food

    No, you don't. You may have a friend who thinks she is a vegan. You may have misunderstood her. But vegans do not eat anything covered in cheese. No meat, no products that originated with animals.

    I've never met a fat vegan. I don't know how you get fat on a vegan diet. I believe people have! It would just be difficult to do.

    It's really not difficult at all given the recent (awesome!) explosion of great vegan cupcake, cookie, and cake recipes. We have access to the same things that make everyone else gain weight. It only takes excess calories.

    You're exactly right in this. I can eat vegan chocolate cake all day, or pudding, or ice cream, or even simple nut butters. Any of the above will quickly kill my calorie goals. I mean, I can eat thousands of calories in peanut butter alone... in one sitting... with a spoon. #NoRegrets

    Yeah, that's exactly how I gained my extra pounds. I still eat those things, I just measure my portions now!

    I'm planning to make some chocolate peanut butter cups for Halloween -- really looking forward to it!

    Ooh... chocolate peanut butter cups. Do you have a recipe to share? I'm totally not going to take your recipe, make it, and eat the whole thing in one sitting. (It's ok... I'm not trying to lose weight, I'm eating in surplus now)

    This is the recipe I'm planning to use: http://v-lish.com/recipe/peanut-butter-cups/

    I haven't tried it yet, but other things I've tried from that cookbook have been very tasty. And really, how wrong can you go with chocolate and peanut butter? And peanut butter has protein, which we need! ;P

    Awesome. I'm going to combine that recipe and this one to induce my peanut butter bulk/coma since it's bulking season.

    That looks . . . so amazing.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    You're welcome B)
  • Artemiris
    Artemiris Posts: 189 Member
    I used to be vegan and, during those years, I don't think I was overweight (130 pounds, 5'6"), but I was also using a program similar to MFP (FitDay) to monitor my macro and micronutrients.