again on diet and looking for a buddy

Hi to all. My name is Jennifer. I'm 5.6"and 201lb and need to lose around 55
I just started this week... again. Bc it is not my first attempt of losing weight.
sometimes I just feel i will never be able to lose all that weight. I usually get tired of diet, exercise without much good results.
I usually follow a diet for 3 months and then get tired. The last successful one was in january-april. I was around 220 lb and lost 35 ln. Then, I gained back almost all the weight lost (29 lb). Since August to this day, I lost some weight and im 201. I was 198 2 weeks ago but gained weight again. So, this time im trying to lose 22 lbs. I know it is just half the weight I need vto lose to be healthy, but im just trying not to put too much pressure on myself.
So, to sum up. Im on diet again and ill love to have a lose-weight buddy.


  • kalpana5185
    kalpana5185 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi jeniffer.. add me if u need motivation pal.. im a new mummy n lost 10kgs over 6 months n still hv another 12kg to go