What would you choose? And why?

Would you prefer doing Les Mills Combat at home ?


Would you do a BodyCOmbat or a BodyPump class in your local gym ?

Whatever you choose, i would love to know your reasons for choosing that!!!


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I would choose neither but that's not the point. Are you self motivated or do you feel more motivated when worming out with others?
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Neither, but I prefer doing work-outs at home to DVDs because a) i'm too tight to pay the HUGE gym fees here and b) the extra effort of getting to and from the gym (if hubby has the car - which he generally does for work - its a good 20 min walk on my own.)

    The only exception to that is my Zumba class, which is not expensive, because I like to have the extra room.

    So think about what you prefer - would you have the motivaation to do it at home, or do you need to have a class booked? Or would you have the motivation to go out to the gym when you could stay at home and work out? (And jump straight in your own shower after).
  • JulieAnn72
    JulieAnn72 Posts: 795 Member
    I would choose to do the workout at home because I know that if I had to get up an hour earlier so I could drive to and from the gym, I would never work out. But I know others are more motivated if they're part of a group at the gym, so it really depends on your own personal motivation.