What do you think of beach body programs?



  • FabianRodriguez94
    FabianRodriguez94 Posts: 221 Member
    I recommend any video with Shaun T, he is a great motivator and his workouts are insane.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    I like the streaming suggestion to figure out what you like. I have to agree with Les Mills combat above. I love it, so much fun.
  • angella_jacobs93
    angella_jacobs93 Posts: 54 Member
    I have decided to buy Less Mills Combat :) It looks like a lot of fun! $49.99 on ebay.
    I like the streaming suggestion to figure out what you like. I have to agree with Les Mills combat above. I love it, so much fun.
    Here's my brief 2 cents about all of the BB workouts I have done:

    P90X - Regardless of its age, it's probably one of the best BB programs out there still. Some of the videos I felt were pointless or a waste.......Back & Biceps could have just been omitted. The workouts are covered in some of the other videos. Yoga X, nope, I'm not going to do 90 minutes of yoga.

    P90X2 - Waste of time in my opinion. While they add more challenging exercises, and condense the yoga down to 60 minutes, and up the game with stability balls and medicine balls, most of the workout time is taken up with some pointless stretching and foam roller stuff (sorry, the stretching in P90X is better and I'm not a fan of the foam roller)

    P90X3 - Half of the workouts are great, the other half are "meh", although the good half might make it work your time. 30 minutes per video might also make it an attractive option.

    P90 (the new edition, not the original) - Three strength workouts, three cardio workouts, three ab workouts. As far as Tony Horton workouts, it's second in my book to P90X.

    Insanity - You will sweat, you will pant, you will be a hot mess when it's over.....that's the good. You have to mentally tell yourself that you will not keep up with the team on the screen. Focus on form first, then the speed will follow (although still not as fast as Shaun or his team). If you just try to go balls out on the speed, sacrificing form, then let me introduce you to knee, ankle, and lower back pain. Also, the 2nd phase of workouts get up in the 45-60 minute range.....when doing that intense cardio, my energy level begins to drain after the 30 minute mark, so I felt like I was just going through the motions after that point.

    Insanity Asylum Volumes 1 & 2 - If you can handle Insanity, then Asylum might be a logical progression. Once again, focus on form first, then speed. The agility ladder can be tricky (and a trip hazard) if you're not used to it. Once you get familiar with the agility ladder, then you'll feel like you're training for the NFL combine (at least in your head, you will).

    Insanity MAX: 30 - Probably my favorite of the Shaun T workouts. It's like Insanity, only compressed into 30 minutes and they have a modifier (Insanity does not have any modifiers in the group). Again, you will sweat, you will pant, and you will be a hot mess. Per my notes above about Insanity regarding video length, this one asks you to keep up the intensity for 30 minutes (which is perfect in my opinion).

    Focus T25 - In the hierarchy of Shaun T workouts, this is your entry level set. Do Alpha, Beta, and then Gamma, and by the end of Gamma, you might be ready for Insanity or Insanity MAX. 25 minutes per workout and a smooth progression from easy (Alpha) to intermediate (Beta) to advanced (Gamma). This one also has a modifier in the group.

    Les Mills Combat - Probably the most fun I've had with a workout. Martial arts/MMA style workout. Lots of punches, kicks, elbows, knees, etc.......there's an upper and lower body workout in the mix, as well as two HIIT (interval) workouts, which are short (about 30 minutes), sweet and get right to the point.

    Les Mills Pump - Didn't like it. Just wasn't enough, and too slow. Plus, if you don't have a barbell, some of the moves might feel awkward to do with a pair of dumbbells or resistance bands (at least it was for me).

    I'd be happy to offer a more detailed feedback if requested, and best of luck finding the one you like.

  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Enjoy! Be prepared to sweat!
  • katkins73
    katkins73 Posts: 416 Member
    I like the workouts I have but don't follow the programmes. I have Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire near Brazil Butt Lift. I mix them up with other forms of exercise. I'd really like Les Mill's Combat at some point :)
  • newmargid
    newmargid Posts: 2 Member
    i did great on 21day fix, i also like hip hop abs and rockin body by shaun T, they really make you sweat.
  • ghouli
    ghouli Posts: 207 Member
    The only beach body program I've tried is the Slim in 6 one and I wasn't a ~huge~ fan, not because of the exercises or anything but because of the lady on the video. Idk I can't deal with people who are super chipper lol. I'd really like to try p90X though, maybe after I'm done with 30DS.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited October 2015
    they don't a whole lot for me...tried P90X ages ago...just not my thing at all.
  • I love love love P90X! I've done it through 3 times and lost a total of 95 lbs combined. 35 the first time a few years ago and 60 these last two times in the last 6 months. I'm on my first round of P90X3 right now and it's pretty good too, nothing compared to the first, but it's a good workout and the length of the workout is awesome!
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    gintaylor wrote: »
    I think Beach Body workouts and Shakeology are worth every penny. I absolutely love that you can do the workouts at home! The Eating plan from 21 day fix is so easy to follow. Personally, I think it's a lot easier than counting your calories. The workouts are nice too since you can make them easier or harder, depending on your fitness level. Let me know if you have any questions about it or want to sign up!

    I like BeachBody workouts, but don't think they are worth every penny (at least not every penny Beachbody wants for them on their website). They are good workouts, but I will gladly get them second hand or on YouTube (or other means).
    Shakeology, on the other hand, is barely worth a single penny. I have never consumed a more worthless bag of tripe in my life, designed purely for the furthering of a money making scheme without the inconvenience of being called a pyramid scheme. I can easily buy a comparable meal replacement powder for a fraction of what Shakeology costs.
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    My fave was P90X and it was the one that I stuck to the longest. I liked the instructor and the exercises. It's something I would do again now that I'm trying to get fit again but the videos are really long so you need to commit a big chunk of time to them.

    I didn't like Insanity at all. I just didn't like the instructor and it was too advanced for where I was at, I injured myself doing that video.

    The next one I tried after I healed was Turbo Fire and I liked that instructor but, man, all those punches. All you do is punch and so, I injured my left arm. That one was a better pace aerobically for me than Insanity but I just can't do repetitive punches like that with my arm issues.

    Beware the BB coaches, they will push their Shakeology on you because it's where they make the most profit. It's expensive and if you eat well then you don't need nutrients that you're just going to pee out anyway. :p

    You can sign up for a free 30 day trial to stream on the BB website. Why don't you try that and see what you like? It seems everyone has a different favourite and you probably won't know which until you try it.
  • mellowadam
    mellowadam Posts: 114 Member
    I do T25. I really like the workouts. I'm getting better and don't have to use the modifier quite as much. I tried these workouts a couple of years ago when I was really heavy and a couch potato. Got injured after the first work out and could barely walk. I lost 50 more pounds and started a very active job. Now I can handle the workouts just fine. I wouldn't recommend these programs if you are completely out of shape and sedentary.

    The nutrition plan is crazy though. If you follow it perfectly and do the workouts I gaurentee you will lose weight because they give you a super low calorie target! I'm a big old guy and would go crazy if I tried to eat just 1600 calories a day. That would have me losing in excess of the healthy recommendation of 2 pounds per week. I'd certainly lose muscle mass.

    As other have said Shakeology is a scam. I get a similar product for $22 for a month supply.

    So the workouts are awesome! Nutrition and shakes not so much. But of course your mileage may vary. We're all different and will responding differently to training and nutrition strategies.
  • sexyrex2015
    sexyrex2015 Posts: 1 Member
    What do you count it as? Aerobics? I started last night and used the modifier a lot.