Gym gear

Bit of a silly question, but never exercised in the autumn/winter. I'm at a box gym so quite cold, how much layering do you think is needed/what clothes are needed?! When I'm there I seriously sweat (sorry) so don't want to get cold from that ?! So complicated this wicking stuff TIA


  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    My gym is a wharehouse type facility so super hot in the summer and freezing - - by Vegas standards - - in the winter but that is only in the morning when first opens. It doesn't take long for me to warm up. I usually start off in a dry fit Nike outerwear item but other than that the rest of my gear doesn't change. I do have a bad habit sometimes of leaving the gym after a session and not covering up cause I am still warm. I have not gotten sick from that. Viruses and germs make you sick not the cold. But if that is your concern just layer up before you exit.