just started walking

Hey I'm a mom of three young kids and of course getting in some exercise is not the easiest. So I'm going to try my new challenge. Which is to walk 1 mile a day( 5 laps) at the track at the H.S.
So I am needing someone who wants to help motivate me daily... Like " have you walked your mile today" or just a reminder to help me stay on top of it.
Please and thanks


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Look for a walking challenge group - there is a new Leslie Sansone walking challenge every month.

    They really don't care how you walk your miles...all walkers are welcome.

  • BerttiBott
    BerttiBott Posts: 22 Member
    Instead of viewing walking a mile each day a "challenge" that you add onto to your already busy schedule by walking around a monotonous track, it may be easier to stay motivated and consistent about doing it if you incorporate it into your daily routine. It needn't be all at once. Every meter counts and you'd be surprised at quickly distances add up. Granted, I have no idea what your community is like, but perhaps you can leave the car at home for small errands, park far away from store entrances, go for a stroll to stretch your legs on your lunch break, etc. Take the kids with you on walks or bike rides, too! I'm sure they'd love to get and blow off all that endless kid energy. Hope this helps, take care!
  • cmancillacaras
    cmancillacaras Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a mom of an 8 month old, and I use the map my walk app to keep myself going. There are always challenges that you can join. Let me know if you'd like to be friends on it and I can help keep you going :) Add me-- email is c.mancilla.caras@gmail.com
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I have a walking group called Walk the World. Its mainly a bunch of us adding our miles together every week and virtually walking the US. So far we have walked across 26 states. We have a map of our route with our stops. Anyone can post pictures of our destination or suggest places to visit. No rules, just a fun way to stay motivated to move. Anyone can join. If you walk, swim, bike, count steps or anything that can be calculated to miles. There is also a spreadsheet to keep track of your progress and a spreadsheet to keep track of your weight loss. If you or anyone else would like to join (we still have a lot of states to go through) here is the link to the group.