How much cardio per week is necessary but won't eat gains?!

Hey guys!
I currently barely do cardio because I'm scared it will eat up my gains.
I want to burn large.. But I dont know what effect muscle gains and what won't?
Last time I lost weight I burned 700cals everyday while powerlifting and I just got skinny after a while.
I doo not want that this time.

So when I do cardio I do interval training,
Stairs, things like that.
So what do you suggest is best to stay nice and swolen, but speed up weight loss a little?
And how many times per week?

Thanks! :)


  • FrankWhite27330
    FrankWhite27330 Posts: 316 Member
    i would say 30 minutes of cardio shouldnt effect gains.. but will still get some fat burning

    Long distance cardio or walking 8 miles a day may but 30 minutes is OK
  • CardiLuxe
    CardiLuxe Posts: 89 Member
    True!! Thank Youu.
  • FrankWhite27330
    FrankWhite27330 Posts: 316 Member
    maybe try bicycle? ride 6 to 7 miles... 3xs a week its cardio low impact and will keep the burn in the legs
  • CardiLuxe
    CardiLuxe Posts: 89 Member
    Yessss. That's a fabulous idea. Cause I love legs and core so perfect.
  • WeaponXI
    WeaponXI Posts: 63 Member
    You can also try some more strength related conditioning, like pushing a prowler, sledge hammer work, tossing a medicine ball, etc. All of these will help your conditioning, giving you cardio work, but shouldn't take away from your strength gains.
    These types of conditioning work are more explosive movements that help carry over to powerlifting.
  • CardiLuxe
    CardiLuxe Posts: 89 Member
    Oh so true! I do powerlifting, so that's actually a great idea!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Don't run an ultra marathon day after day and you should be fine.