Almost two months in!

HeatherElizabethWarren Posts: 7 Member
edited October 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone!

I'm Heather, I'm 36, and the mother of 11 year old boy/girl twins!

I've been overweight for quite a while, probably since I was 21. When I started this journey, 55 days ago, it was almost on accident. My daughter started running cross country for our school district's youth program. At her first practice, I brought a Coke and a camping chair, sat, and watched her run. I felt terrible. What kind of an example was I setting for her?

She runs twice a week with her team, and then we are charged with getting her a 3rd run in on Friday or Saturday. The following Friday, I busted out my ancient running shoes, and walked around the track while she ran. I walked two miles.

That Saturday, I ate what I normally did, only I tracked everything. I was consuming close to 3000 calories a day. Mind blowing. I walked another two miles that day, and on Sunday, began my attempt to keep my diet to 1400 calories, and as healthy as possible.

I stepped on the scale that Sunday and weighed 206.5! This was actually down from my heaviest of 220 at the beginning of the year. I had been "watching" what I was eating, mainly by eating nothing but dinner.

Tonight, I weighed in at 187.5. Friday is my weigh in day, so I'm hoping I'll be down that last pound in the morning, and put myself to 20lbs lost. I'm 5'2, so this is by no means the finish line, but it feels really good to know that the first 20lbs are almost gone, and I'm 55 days in!!!

I'm committed to losing this weight, and learning how to live this way forever. I still eat cookies sometimes, and I still sneak some chick fil la I if I've been good, and had a hard day. I still enjoy a Diet Coke with my spinach salad at lunch, and a glass of wine on Friday. But I'm trying to drink more water than Diet Coke, keep the Chick fil la to just once every few weeks, if I have the calories to spare, and eat as much spinach, egg whites, salads, and apples as I can. This week was hard. I've had company in from out of town, an out of town business trip, and a stressful couple of days with my kids. A couple of days I ate Rice Krispies for dinner (measured and counted) out of sheer exhaustion, and I had two of my mother in laws famous cookies for desert (counted and measured) But not once did I think to just say "forget it." I stuck to counting and measuring, finding balance, and getting my Walk/run in. (Up to 3 miles! And I'm running some too!)

I'm making mistakes, I'm not perfect, but everyday I open this app, everyday I choose that salad, and I don't let myself turn some chicken nuggets into an all out feast, I'm winning. I've set my goal to 1200 calories a day now, and I'm finding it easier to hit everyday!!!

I'm proud of myself and the changes I see in my body. Can't wait to see what the next 55 days bring.

Best wishes, everyone!!!

- Heather


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You're doing great, Heather! Feel free to add me for support!
  • Wii_Player
    Wii_Player Posts: 1,700 Member
    That's cool how your journey started. Great job on your weight loss :)
  • linboelle
    linboelle Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Heather! Sounds like you're on the right track and in the right state of mind. I too have been tracking for a while now too. I'm over 18 lbs down and could still use some more buddies to connect with for motivation and support! I had quite a few at the beginning but most of them are not active on mfp anymore. I'll be happy to help if you'd like to add me!
  • zebras1977
    zebras1977 Posts: 28 Member
    Well done! You are very inspiring!