what calorie count has give you the best loss?

what daily calorie count amount gave you the best weightloss?
im on 1300, but im worries its too much/not enough
im 5ft5 and 11 and half stone
looking to lose 2 stone
any help would be appreciated


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    The one that puts you into a deficit! A calorie deficit that is not too aggressive and is sustainable!

    read this


    Welcome to MFP!!
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    I'm never exactly the same day to day; falling within a weekly range works for me. And I'm not overly restrictive on the 'CI' side of the equation, I go for pushing my deficits a little further from the 'CO' side...
  • ariana_eatsandlifts
    ariana_eatsandlifts Posts: 197 Member
    scolaris wrote: »
    I'm never exactly the same day to day; falling within a weekly range works for me. And I'm not overly restrictive on the 'CI' side of the equation, I go for pushing my deficits a little further from the 'CO' side...

    This! I find I'm more successful when I have a smaller deficit. Sure, my weight loss is slower. But it's more sustainable and I'm not a hangry miserable person.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I too have less than 50 pounds to lose so my weekly goal is to lose 1 pound per week, so I need to create a 500 calorie daily deficit.
  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    1500 calories/day has always done it for me. I'm pretty active and often eat more, but if I keep to 1500 I always lose consistently and well. (It's not always worth it being hungry, though!)
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    I'm currently losing at 2800, but I'm also recomping and not just working to lose weight, so it's paired with adequate protein and a progressive overload lifting program.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    We're very similar stats. I'm 157 and 5'6".

    Is that 1300 total? or net? If it's "net" (as in you eat 1300, then exercise for 300 calories and eat another 300 calories for 1600 calories total) then I think you'll find a lot of success at 1300 net.

    But if it's 1300 total, it would not be enough for me to be successful. It's not that it'd be an unhealthy amount (depending on how active you are) it's just that for me it's too large of a deficit from my TDEE. My TDEE is on average 2100 or so. It is difficult for me to maintain a deficit from that larger than 500 or so on average. I simply don't have enough fat (though of course I have more fat than I want) to sustain a larger deficit for more than a couple days without a big binge/starving day where I eat more than I intended.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Depending on your activity level, you could probably successfully lose eating a couple hundred calories more per day if you're struggling on only 1300 (I echo WBB55 above - I assume you're already eating back at least a portion of exercise calories to NET 1300).

  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,645 Member
    2500ish for me personally. But I'm a 5'10" male with about 170-180 pounds of lean mass.
  • mommyof4cpa
    mommyof4cpa Posts: 82 Member
    I've tracked calories gross calories eaten and pounds lost since May 1st on a spreadsheet and figured out that my TDEE is around 2,100cal/day. I've set my loss to 1lb a week using that and it has worked out. And this is my weight loss trend over that time period.

    Ditto @WBB55. I could go to a larger deficit, but I find that I don't have enough energy to get through my day (workout, work,kids, etc) and tend to resort to eating too much to bridge that gap.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    So it sounds like everyone is in the same ballpark with their advice.

    If you'd like help setting up your account, what I'd recommend is putting in all your stats into the MFP app. Setting it to "lose 1 lb per week," and then eating what it tells you. A tricky part is the activity setting. If you have a life where you go shopping and walk the dog, chose "lightly active" and then if you do purposeful exercise like walking or running, then log that by time BUT "eat back" maybe only half of what it suggests.

    OR, if you go to the gym very regularly and sweat for an hour a day and you're a waitress for work, you could put your setting at "moderately active" and just not log exercise. It will give you more calories every day since you regularly exercise.

    OR, if you don't walk the dog and use a scooter at the grocery store, choose "sedentary" as your setting and just eat that every day without bothering to log exercise for now.

    All of these are just a starting place. After you do this for 4-6 weeks, you'll look back and have more data to go on. Are you losing too fast? too slow? and you'll have real data from your own experience instead of online calculators that are just guessing.
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    I cant give too many details because I'm focusing on getting my will power back up and am just now cementing my nutrition plan and schedule down. I havent been weighing myself as of yet, but I have been trying for around 1400 calories. Im aiming for balance in my macro nutrients as well, keeping them all close to in the 30% ranges (so 1/3 to each as best I can). Im still going over to 1600 some nights (snacking), but I'm feeling more energetic so I'm hoping progress is happening. If you feel satisfied at your meals, you're probably fine at 1300! I think they key for me to see results will be exercise. Have been focusing my energy on the nutrition until I feel confident, but I do wear a fitbit and keep a step goal for just moving my body more. I will keep my intake between 1400-1600 and see how that goes for October then Im hoping to start exercising more intently in November 3x a week.

    Are you exercising? I think if you're burning quite a bit during exercise then 1300 could be low, but if you're only lightly active its a good number. See how your clothes fit in a month and you'll know for sure!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    what daily calorie count amount gave you the best weightloss?
    im on 1300, but im worries its too much/not enough
    im 5ft5 and 11 and half stone
    looking to lose 2 stone
    any help would be appreciated

    I am 5'2 and I started at 11 and a half stone.

    1300 sounds about right FOR ME to lose around 2lbs a week.

    Why not try it out for a week or two and go by your results? Remember, if you are exercising - you may be able to eat a little more.
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    The best choice is the one with a reasonable deficit but even better the one you can keep/stick too.

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    It's going to be different for everyone because everyone eats differently, exercises in their own way, has their own starting weight / body shape and goals.

    For me, averaging 1200 is best. Sometimes less, sometimes more. I could eat less and keep up a better pace - like the whole .5 - 1 pound a week thing - but this is working for me.
  • JadeOmalia1
    JadeOmalia1 Posts: 3 Member
    what daily calorie count amount gave you the best weightloss?
    im on 1300, but im worries its too much/not enough
    im 5ft5 and 11 and half stone
    looking to lose 2 stone
    I used to starve my self every day and didn't even know it. I was making sure I only ate 1300 calories a day and then I bought a fit but surge. Turns out I burn 3000 a day with work and lifting weights . now I try to aim for a 800 defict sometimes 600 . I advise you get a watch it has helped me loads.