Emotional eating

Hi everyone I'm Megan! I'm 18 and over the past year and a half I've managed to go from 125 to 165!!! Yes it's been a rough time. Bad relationship, new city, new state, it's safe to say I feel like a bit of a loner. I want my body back and I'm not going to give up!
Anyways the point of why I'm posting this is- anyone have any tips for emotional eaters? Bored snackers? None of my friends have ever gained weight after a breakup? Also dinner ideas?


  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    edited October 2015
    I've been somewhat of a bored-eater - grazer. A few things have helped me. One - actually logging it & being disciplined about it (it's somewhat shocking what that adds up to). Two - getting a digital food scale. I was WAY under estimating how much I was eating (another shocker). Three - I've played around a few times with Intermittent Fasting (once or twice a month for the last few months). I think it has helped me "some" with both grazing and binging (not completely, because I still do it on occasion - less so than before though) - because I at least recognize that what I'm feeling when bored isn't "really" hunger and Four - just drinking some water will help manage that "false hunger" but what really helps is curing the boredom (Get Up and go do something).

    Best of luck & Welcome to MFP!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I had the pleasure of being part of a ten week therapy group, where emotional eating was discussed.


    Before the session I would not have considered myself an emotional eater, but soon discovered boredom, and anger, are emotions! If I have used up my emotional reserves for the day, my self-discipline goes out the window. I use many strategies to divert my attention from food if I have had a bad day.

    Knitting and crocheting is good. Keeps the hands busy.

    For dinner, I start with the protein and build around it. I might make a stir-fry, a stew, a casserole, a slow cooker meal, an italian-based dish, or a salad from it. Sometimes a new vegetable will be my inspiration.
  • PaulBonham
    PaulBonham Posts: 42 Member
    Do you enjoy any sports, gym or gym classes? It's a good way of meeting like minded people, getting physically active and removing some of your boredom.
  • pakanoir
    pakanoir Posts: 14 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    I had the pleasure of being part of a ten week therapy group, where emotional eating was discussed.


    Thank you so much for the link, this is of great help! :)