What Motivates You? October 2015

I started noticing that people with a strong motivating factor (diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers) were sticking to their workouts and diets which resulted in great physical transformations.

I know a lot of us have goals to shred some fat, get leaner, build muscle or get stronger but it's hard to stay motivated.

What motivates me -- As sung by the All American Reject - "When you see my face hope it gives you hell." I am driven to work harder and eat leaner when I think about seeing my ex wife's face drop when she see me happy, successful and in amazing shape! Lol.

What motivates all of you? Accepting friend invites for all those who want to band together to reach our goals!


  • bearondiet
    bearondiet Posts: 53 Member
    I am just tired of not being completely thin. Hence, weight loss. To look good & thin. As for my motivation, I keep myself motivated by talking about weight loss in weight loss forums & by talking about anything in other general forums for boredom.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    OP, revenge is a good motivator for a lot of people! But, I hope you are doing this for yourself and long-term well being as well.

    Progress is my motivator. Setting new goals and reaching them helps keep me moving forward. And realizing that sometimes motivation comes from something different every day. As long as I can find my source then it doesn't really matter what it is as long as it is both physically and mentally healthy.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Being able to do the things in life that obesity made impossible. I can take a sabbatical at work, and I want to do something grand. My goal is to spend the next 18 months not only losing weight but also getting fit, and climb Kilimanjaro in 2017. It'll be a lot of work between here and there, but the goal keeps me pushing myself hard.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    rankinsect wrote: »
    Being able to do the things in life that obesity made impossible. I can take a sabbatical at work, and I want to do something grand. My goal is to spend the next 18 months not only losing weight but also getting fit, and climb Kilimanjaro in 2017. It'll be a lot of work between here and there, but the goal keeps me pushing myself hard.

    Impressive! That is a great goal to have. I hope you reach it and will post pics and your story on the "Success" thread! Good luck.
  • carrieann1967
    carrieann1967 Posts: 45 Member
    I'll be 50 in 1.5 years and want to be fifty and fabulous. Also I've had some health scares recently which have kicked me up the backside. I've joined a boot camp to get me started fitness wise and I'm trying to eat clean using the boot camp"s recipes. I'm hoping I can keep it up, 9.5 pounds down and 60.5 pounds to go.