Coming out of starvation mode. Help!



  • BlackPantherChick123
    Look I ain't anorexic, nor being close to one. I eat more now, I just wanted to no if the weight gain is temporary is all. I don't need to be lectured about "seeing a therapist". I'm still adding up my calories and I don't starve myself although I under ate for a short period of time.

    With all due respect OP - Posting a thread mentioning that you have severely under-eaten and want to come out of 'starvation mode' is going to set alarm bells ringing for us. We don't comment to berate and nag you - we do it because ultimately, we want you to be healthy and happy in what you are doing. No one is calling you anorexic but you definitely have a disordered way of eating. I used to have a disordered way of eating too - quite simliar to you, in fact. I instantly went back to a 'healthy' amount of calories and I did not gain weight.

    If you DO see any type of gain, it'll be a water gain (providing you are still at a deficit).

    I hope you follow everyone's advice to speak to a professional. There must be a reason why you were depriving yourself so badly and it won't hurt to get to the bottom of that.

    Thank u. I understand. I'm trying to get better and to be honest I'm doing fine on my own. I'm just slowly adding in. But if it does get to a point where I should talk to someone, I will.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited October 2015
    People who have been through an ED have a lot of different issues when they start eating normally and gaining. A doctor or dietitian would be able to explain it best, in a way you'd understand, where you can ask questions. Their bodies will handle an increase in food in a special way. They may or may not have done damage that will last a very long time.

    If you did this briefly, as a crash diet, you may not have the same "starvation mode" issues that someone with an ED would have.

    Either way - ED or not - a visit to the doctor and a referral to a dietitian sounds like it's in order.

    Edit: I just saw that you were crash dieting, not doing long-term, anorexic stuff. Of course everyone who crash diets doesn't have an ED. If crash dieting meant one had an ED, most American women would have to be diagnosed with one as most have crash dieted.

    Eating 1200 calories generally won't result in weight gain. If it has, for you, even more reason to see a doctor.