I'm Back and Looking to lose 70 pounds

Hi Everyone I've been on and off the site for about a year now and I seem to always find a way to fall off the wagon and this time around I'm not going to let that happen again as I'm wanting to lose weight and get back into shape and I know I can do it cause one year ago I stepped on the scale and it was an ugly number and an eye opener as well. I remember that day the scaled showed that I was 230 pounds and I told myself that I need to change now and I did I started walking and when I started I was winded every time I came home and i just started with 30 minutes and now a year later I'm down to 206 and can walk almost 2 hours a day and I'm now walking between 5-8 miles a day as well and I'm also going swimming and also go to a gym so I hope to have this weight off my next year and I will not let it return as I've been working hard to lose this weight. Please feel free to add me as a friend and just remember it can do done on your own and I'm not taking any form of pill either.


  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    if you are doing this much of activity you are definitely eating tooooo much. you should really look at your food as i believe its hindering your progress