I just binged

I ate two packages of oatmeal that added up to 350 calories for breakfast, then for snack i had a granola bar that is 150 calories. then i ate bean stew and a 110 calorie slice of multigrain bread with the stew for lunch. then i decided that i would have one soft baked cookie as a treat. this led me to eat two more. then i had maybe 1/4 cup of skittles afterwords. i feel like crap. not physically but mentally. i can picture the weight being gained, even though i know how ridiculous that sounds. i want to cry. i can't enjoy food like i used to. i used to be 20 pounds heavier. i wasn't happy with my weight then, and I'm scared ill go back to that. but i feel like i deprive myself. i see skinnier girls in my classes and they eat sugary foods and they don't gain weight. i just feel like i have to restrict and be skinny, but i can't be skinny and eat what i want without fear. i have about 500 calorries or so left (not precise but approximately). should i just let this 500 calorie be a deficit without eating?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    That is not a binge.

    Eat your allotted calories, but try to balance them a little better. Have some meat, vegetables, fruit and dairy.

    You need to find food peace. Eat food you enjoy, but not too much.

    Skinny people eat too, but not all the time.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    That is not a binge.

    Eat your allotted calories, but try to balance them a little better. Have some meat, vegetables, fruit and dairy.

    You need to find food peace. Eat food you enjoy, but not too much.

    Skinny people eat too, but not all the time.

  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    edited October 2015
    How the heck is that a binge? It's just food. There is never a reason to feel guilty. Even if you ate another 500 on top of the 500 you have left for the day, and it wasn't all "healthy", you'd still be okay.

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Oh my.. I saw this thread and thought it was something different...

    I can eat all my calories in skittles, oatmeal cookies and chips and what ever. If I have 500 calories left after that, that is a good day.

    This is not a binge... I echo needing to find "food peace".. And those skinny people may eat the sugar stuff and that may be all they eat. Meaning their calories are just made up of that stuff. They may not really consume alot more healthy foods on top of that to gain weight.

    I used to be skinny and lived on pop tarts, cocoa puffs, m&m's, potato chips.. I hope you see where we are all coming from..
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I ate two packages of oatmeal that added up to 350 calories for breakfast, then for snack i had a granola bar that is 150 calories. then i ate bean stew and a 110 calorie slice of multigrain bread with the stew for lunch. then i decided that i would have one soft baked cookie as a treat. this led me to eat two more. then i had maybe 1/4 cup of skittles afterwords. i feel like crap. not physically but mentally. i can picture the weight being gained, even though i know how ridiculous that sounds. i want to cry. i can't enjoy food like i used to. i used to be 20 pounds heavier. i wasn't happy with my weight then, and I'm scared ill go back to that. but i feel like i deprive myself. i see skinnier girls in my classes and they eat sugary foods and they don't gain weight. i just feel like i have to restrict and be skinny, but i can't be skinny and eat what i want without fear. i have about 500 calorries or so left (not precise but approximately). should i just let this 500 calorie be a deficit without eating?

    I am not sure that what you ate is a binge at all.
    My best friend ate when on a binge on average a dozen doughnuts, a family size bucket of KFC with the mashed potatoes and gravy, plus biscuits, a big bag of Hershey's kisses and a bunch of other stuff she had around the house. If there wasn't enough and if it was too late to order a pizza, she also could eat a whole package of Sarah Lee German Chocolate cake mix right out of the box and a few envelopes of instant oatmeal with extra sugar added, eaten dry.
    She often ate this after she had dinner and told me that her doctor called this a " classical " binge.

  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    You sound so unhappy, I really want to send you a mental hug. But Kommo has it right.
  • spiritlevel9
    spiritlevel9 Posts: 48 Member
    I have gone way over my calories for today but it is the first time in 3 months so I don't feel guilty, That might be down to the half bottle of Kir Royale though. Tomorrow is another day!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    I would say it sounds like an imbalance - you did have bean stew and whole grain bread for lunch - but you have taken in a lot of sugar and carbs. Since you have more calories to go, try to get veggies and protein in and cut back on the carbs and you should feel better about your day.

    And keep in mind, it's just one day - if you don't like how you feel about what you ate today, for whatever reason, start fresh tomorrow with your plan and do your best to stick with it. Every day does not have to be perfect, for you to succeed in the long run.
  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member
    edited October 2015
    I binged today as well so I feel you. I think I have 470 calories left. I'm just thinking somedays you slip. I'll get back on course tomorrow. I had a long tired day of insomnia and recovering from alcoholism. .. kind of
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    That is not a bing.

    You just made your deficit smaller for the day. Or you ate a bit above your maintenance no big deal.

    And always remember one bing or overeating a day didn't make you overweight.....doing it on a regular base did.

  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Relax, it will make you happier and you'll have an easier time maintaining.

    The problem is never the first cookie, it's the second or the fifth. If you build things you love to eat into your day, you won't feel like you're depriving yourself.

    Eat mindfully. Not like - oh many calories is that? - but wow this tastes good and makes me feel good or wow, this tastes sweet, but not great, and I would rather eat something else. Or I'd rather have a cup of tea. Or maybe I'll have a small serving of ice cream instead.

    I find if I eat food that tastes really good, I feel comfortable stopping after just a lot. If I eat crap, I want more of it, because I keep waiting to be satisfied, and I'm not.

    Also - just a thought . . . You started with oatmeal and then ate lots of refined carbs. That makes me feel like I'm STARVING. It's an insulin thing. Mix some protein and in with your carbs and you may not get the cravings.
  • malioumba
    malioumba Posts: 132 Member
    edited October 2015
    I used to binge, and my binges would total to an extra 5,000-7,000 calories. A binge for me could be an entire large pizza, cheesy bread, cinnamon sticks, chicken buffalo wins, 6-10 chocolate/candy bars, big bag of chips and cookies (usually chocolate coated cookies, or chip Ahoy loaded cookies) and lots of Starbucks pastries; scones and sweet breads, and a frappucino and ihop pancakes/waffles

    I easily wasted over $100 a day, as it would usually start with the delivery pizza, then right after, I'd go to the mall to pick up the chocolates, cookies, chips, pastries and drinks, and just before I'd head home with my "new" binge batch of food, I'd stop over at iHop for their waffles/pancakes.

    And LATER, once my family members were all home by the evening, they'd make some home-cooked food, or even order chinese and of course...I'd eat from that too. I felt like..."well, I'm not paying for THIS, so THIS you can eat!" It was terrible.

    It does feel miserable, and any binge (small or large) makes us feel pathetic, and like we're ALWAYS going to be fat. Now, my binges have stopped for the most part (as it was getting too much on my wallet), but it came from pure "NO. ENOUGH" mentality. I didn't really stop it gradually. People say this all the time....but you have to REALLY want it. I really wanted it. I missed how I could run/jog for 2hrs straight and not even be tired. I missed having that SPRING on my steps.

    So think about what you miss, or what you really want - a lot of people here say...moderation is hard, but moderation feels like impossible when you're in a binge mode. I understand that. For me - it wasn't lack of nutrition, but maybe for you - it could be, maybe you don't have your macros quite right and that is affecting the way you combat the binge impulse. Whether your binge wasn't "a binge" or whether it was a "small binge" doesn't matter IF it's making YOU unhappy. Think about how unhappy you are while you're binging. Don't look at the other skinny girls. Some people have both eyes and can see the mountains and the sky, some people can't. Some people can hear, and some people would do anything to hear music and the wind. Some people will eat those bonbons, and some people will eat the apple instead. And that's fine.
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    I'm so sad you are struggling with an ED. I really hope you are getting the help you need.

    Not sure if this helps, but I'm one of the "skinny" (never overweigt) people, and I eat cookies and candies reguraly. It is all about eating them in moderation. And occasionally I do eat two cookies and candies on the same day. It's okay as long as you get your fruit, veg and protein in for the day.
    You probably already know this, but the skinny girls eating sugar and not gaining weight, stay in their maintenance calories. You can do that too. If you still had 500 calories remaining for maintenance, than you had 500 calories for a nice dinner and you wouldn't have gained a single gram of fat.
  • teresadutton
    teresadutton Posts: 217 Member
    As a person who truly struggles with binge eating disorder, what you described is not a binge in any way ,shape or form. What you describe is simply poor food choices (if your trying to eat healthy). Trust me after a binge there is no way you would 500 calories left over, it would be more like 2000 over your calories.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    If you've still got calories left over, and are still in a deficit, then NO, it's not a binge...
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Consider having a different breakfast. Perhaps one with plenty of protein and fat. "Packages" of oatmeal don't have much going for them.

    Good luck.