Needing to tone up

Hello! I've lost 97 pounds so far, and rather quickly too. I'm very happy to lose the weight, but I don't like the loose skin that has came with it. I'm doing abs and other exercises but it isn't helping. Any advice?


  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    You need to build muscle and be at a low bf level to appear toned. Focus on some strength training. It'll help a lot. You can't necessarily tone a muscle, but you can build it, then lose the fat to reveal it.
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    Your skin may still catch up, especially if you're young. If you search through the threads you'll see quite a few posters demonstrating the difference in their skin after a year or more. Loose skin is one of the downsides of weight loss, particularly rapid weight loss but what's done is done! I'm sure most people would take the loose skin over the extra weight!

    What's your current exercise program? Getting into weights, especially compound lifts, will probably give you the most bang for buck. Strong lifts, strong curves and 5x5 are programs people often recommend around here.
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    Your skin may still catch up, especially if you're young. If you search through the threads you'll see quite a few posters demonstrating the difference in their skin after a year or more. Loose skin is one of the downsides of weight loss, particularly rapid weight loss but what's done is done! I'm sure most people would take the loose skin over the extra weight!

    What's your current exercise program? Getting into weights, especially compound lifts, will probably give you the most bang for buck. Strong lifts, strong curves and 5x5 are programs people often recommend around here.

    Jup, full body progressive overload lifting programs for beginners.
    Why? "Toned" is the look of low bodyfat% with visible muscle. Hence, you need muscle.
    These programs explain you what and how to do it very precisely.
    Some very recommended beginner programs:
    - Stronglifts 5x5
    - Starting strength
    - New rules od lifting (women)
    - Strong curves
    - ICF 5x5

    Google them all and pick which you like best. Some are online and free, some are books, some have apps, some are specific for women.
    Non of them are best, it really is a personal choice what best fits your needs and interests.