need help and encouragement plz

Hello All,
im over my calories a little today and im still hungry- whats a girl to do?
I should have gone for a walk to gain more.


  • chelseap891
    I'm actually under...It's almost 9pm here, and I have 533 left out of 1200! I'm in a funk today though...not feelin hungry :(

    If you are hungry, eat some fruit, if not anything! Drink some water too...see if that fills you up!
  • laurafawne
    laurafawne Posts: 7 Member
    Run stairs for 5 min . that should give you enough calories for a snack.
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    Steam some carrots, sprinkle that with lemon juice. Then have a cup of your favorite tea and eat it all slowly. You might find that ties you over with minimal calorie expenditure.
  • ieatstickers
    ieatstickers Posts: 51 Member
    try jump roping for a little bit, taking breaks as needed. it's a great calorie burner to earn you enough for snacks. and if you don't have a jump rope, just hop in place doing circle movements with your wrists.
  • blockeramanda
    blockeramanda Posts: 68 Member
    It's ok to go over a little every once and a while. I splurge a little atleast once a week and I've been consistantly losing weight. By doing that by body doesn't go into starvation mood because it can't tell that I'm changing my calorie intake. I agree with the jumping in place(jump rope) because you can do it at home.

    good luck hun!