Hello who is here?

RalphtheWeber Posts: 8 Member
edited October 2015 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Ralph, I live in NJ. Been on the app for about a month. I gave the app a chance at 1st to show me my calories intake. For I never thought I would be able to follow a calorie count. But I've accepted the fact I have a problem for I've never been able to lose weight and keep it off. I've done it wrong or half arsed. :)

So I figured start this for I've been slowly losing weight and needed a change. I'm getting into a Overeaters Anonymous group and have been 350 lbs. Now 300 lbs. Had a 55 inch waist and now a 48 working on a 46 inch waist & It feels good. This is my 1St time posting on the site. But have let the My fitness app. Show me why I wasn't losing weight and educate me in my calories choices.

Example, I love a dunkaccino and would get 2 donuts. So that would bring my calories count to around 900 and the morning wasn't even over. So it's stuff like that that has opened my eyes and look for ways to enjoy something but still not blow it. The reason for looking at OA is I accepted I have compulsive behavior on eating. Whether it's stress or going to hell with myself. I'm only hurting myself.

So I'm 47 and have had a wake up call. Had a insulin resistance and levels were 6.3 heading towards diabetes. With jardance and januset plus weight loss. I'm now at 5.7 and that's in normal range. When laying on my stomach. It was tough to breathe, now it's not. I feel good and with a new bed. I'm slowly feeling better.

I'm seriously for the 1st time in my life taking charge of my health and issues. Even with a 2nd sleep test do to I don't get a normal nights sleep. So I want to get to the bottom of things so I can continue my progress. So that's the good. The bad was always tired, Moody and Sleepy. Found out I have allergies across the board which got me. Worried and started this road for I was always sick. Even with my asthma and other ailments and a recent issue with throwing out my back.

I've worked on shortening my time Out of work and found ways with specialist or my own ideas which have helped. So any ideas or help, I'm open but I have to stay away from nuts, milk, combined foods like a pizza for example. Otherwise I'm running to the boys room, LOL. For an good idea. So far so good.


  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Welcome to the forums ...congrats on your weightloss so far ....wishing you much more success :)
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    Wow you are amazing the first Step is the easiest but you will succeed. Good luck on your journey and with your health my dad was 18 yrs older than you he passed away last year. You got time , make those changes dont break your families heart but do it for you because time and life is precious